I could tell you about the new free PDF ebook I’m putting together. (I might make it into a Kindle book too.) It’s going to be on the topic of unschool reading. I’m going to include a few articles I’ve written about learning to read, reading out loud, listening, enjoying books together… I’m also hoping to gather a few articles written by other people. (Do you have something you’d be willing to share?) And maybe some links to reading blog posts I’ve discovered. How about some recommended books? So far, all I’ve done is make the ebook cover. Here it is. Is it okay? Do you like it?
Did you hear my kangaroo story? You might already know that a few days ago, just before sunrise, a kangaroo bounded out of the bush, across the road and into our car. At the time, we were on our way to the botanic gardens to film the music video, Into the West. Fortunately, the collision resulted in minimal damage to the car. It also woke us all up.
It wasn’t the first time we’ve hit a kangaroo. These animals are rather a hazard on our local country roads. So are wombats. Once a wombat begins its journey across a road, nothing will stop it. It’ll keep on going in a straight line until it gets to the other side or is hit by a vehicle. Whatever happens first.
Despite the kangaroo, we made it to our video shoot location. Imogen sang. We filmed the video. Runners-by wondered what we were doing. Sophie edited the video. It’s now on Youtube. It’s also here just in case you’d like to watch it.
As well as the proper video, Charlotte filmed a lot of behind-the-scenes clips. Unfortunately, I managed to get into most of them. If I’d known I was going to be in front of the camera, I’d have done my hair and applied some makeup. As it was, I looked like I’d just tumbled out of bed and thrown on the first clothes that came to hand. Which is exactly what I did.
Here’s a small sample clip in which Gemma-Rose and I both volunteered to replace Imogen. Have we the necessary talent to be music video stars?
The full behind-the-scenes video will be published on Wednesday. I don’t recommend you watch it. I really don’t want my online image ruined. The video might change the way you think about me forever.
The other day I bought a smart phone. It replaces my years-old unclever phone. While I was waiting for it to arrive in the mail, I said, “Will my life be perfect when I get my iPhone?”
Sophie said, “You’ll enjoy your phone, Mum, but it won’t change your life. It’s only a thing.” Which is quite true.
Now I have a smart phone, making videos is very easy. I did say, some months ago, that I’d think about making some Facebook live streaming videos if I ever bought such a phone. Well, now I have the phone will I make live videos? I’m still thinking about that.
I have made a couple of ordinary videos with my new iPhone. One afternoon, as Imogen was cooking dinner, I set up my phone on a pile of books on the table and recorded an interview with her. We talked about the making of Into the West. I broke the video into sections. Here’s Part 1 of the series:
Next Saturday, my husband Andy and Imogen will be singing at a charity dinner in Sydney. They’re going to repeat their Loch Lomond performance. That should be a lot of fun.Talking of fun, have you seen Imogen’s Facebook page?
Imogen’s been posting lots of interesting photos, vlogs, and links. Why don’t you hop over to her page and say hello? She’d love to see you there.
That ‘charming gentlemen’ in the above photo is, of course, my husband Andy. He’s just arrived home from work so I’m going to finish this post and go find out if he had a good day.
So until next time, enjoy your week. And please don’t forget to let me know if you have an unschool reading article you’d be happy to share!
I like the bit where you guys try to jump in the video. Your laughter and the girls show what a bond there is between all of you. Anyone can write that they are close, but genuine laughter and good times actually show it. Thank you for sharing!
I think I got off very lightly with this video. The bit where Gemma-Rose and I jumped into the video was my only appearance. But there is still part 2 to come! And Imogen wants to post some of the behind-the-scenes stuff on her Facebook page. I used to worry about being in front of the camera. (What will people think of me?) But I can’t resist getting involved with all the fun. We do have a great time when we are working together. Thank you so much for watching and for leaving this kind comment!