Unschooling Siblings and Other Stories

I started writing this blog post last Friday. This is all I managed to write before I was interrupted:

I didn’t make a podcast last week. Some unexpected things happened and so I didn’t find time to sit in front of my mic and record one. I felt a little frustrated because I’d promised to get back on track and podcast more regularly. But perhaps we just have to accept what life brings, go with the flow, just do our best and not worry about the things we think we should be doing. Sometimes, although we might not like it, there are more important things to focus on.

I did eventually manage to record episode 95. I squeezed in a podcasting session last Monday afternoon. I then hoped to edit and upload episode 95 that evening. But that never happened. The unedited file remained on my computer all week. Other things claimed my attention. The podcast didn’t seem very important. I was tempted to delete it and then announce that my podcasting days were over.

I was also wondering if I should give up blogging as well. At the moment, there’s a lot going on in our lives. I’ve felt overburdened. I’ve had many days recently where I’ve just wanted to run away from everything online. (And sometimes away from my offline commitments too!) I haven’t wanted to think about writing posts and recording podcasts, answering emails and responding to comments.

Well, that’s as far as I got with this post before I closed my computer and rushed off to deal with something else. Now it’s Sunday, and I’m wondering if, last Friday, I’d intended to say, “Despite being very busy, I still want to blog and podcast. That’s why I didn’t delete last week’s podcast but eventually edited and uploaded it.”

Well, I hope that was how the story went. It’s hard to remember when I’m tired. All I know is that feelings can change very quickly. Some days I feel passionate about sharing the unschooling story. Other days, I feel overwhelmed by life and want to delete everything I’ve created and disappear. I can swing from one mood to the other and back again within hours.

So how am I feeling right at this moment? Today, I want to finish this post. Tomorrow? I shall go with the flow and see what happens.

So here’s episode 95 of my podcast. This week, I’m talking about:

  • Siblings
  • Acceptance
  • Encouragement
  • Labels
  • Boys
  • The joy of giving
  • Essay writing

This blog post may have a tired tone but my latest podcast doesn’t. I felt quite cheery as I recorded it. You won’t get depressed as you listen. At least, I hope you won’t!

Show Notes

Blog Posts

Crushed by a Label

Brothers but Different


A Jane Austen Education


Boy Stories

Unschool Writing, Essays, and a Few Panicky Moments!

My New Free Ebook

Unschool Reading

PDF version

Kindle version

How to send a document to your Kindle via email

A Heart-Warming Video

Vlogging and Amazing Sisters

Podcast music

Image: My four younger girls. Were they jumping for joy after successfully finishing another music video shoot? My daughters get on very well together. Is this because they have similar personalities? Or is there more to it than that? I spoke about sibling relationships in this podcast episode.

So I’m wondering … Do you ever have trouble balancing family and blogging? Do you have a heart-warming sibling story to share? And have you read all the Jane Austen novels? I’d love to know which one is your favourite.

4 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. Podcast and blog when you can Sue! I’ll take whatever you can do! Thank you so much for your stories and encouragement!

  2. Hi Sue, Life does overwhelm. Often I think we are harder on ourselves than other people would be. I think you should blog when you want. To podcast when you want. But always know that you are loved and cared for by those of us in the online community. I often feel that things that are very immediate are there for our attention and sometimes it will pull us away from other things we would rather be doing. But the Lord gives Grace to us and as the Bible says he will never give us more than what we can handle. Life does not always play fair. But we as Believers know that we are not walking through it alone. Even during the dark times and the down times God is always with us. Love you bunches, Nancy

    • Nancy,

      Your comment made me feel very loved and cared for. I think God sends us friends when we need love and some encouragement to keep going. Thank you so much for being my friend. May God bless you and your family. xx

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