Turning Unschool Learning into Homeschool Records Notes

Why would I want to turn something as unique and wonderful as unschooling into routine homeschool records notes?

I wish I could take delight in my daughters’ learning without ever thinking about homeschool records. Unfortunately, that’s not possible. I always have to keep one eye on the records book so that my unschoolers can fulfil the necessary homeschool registration requirements . While my girls are busy learning, I have to do a lot of behind-the-scenes work.  I have to translate all their unschooling learning experiences into the right educational language.

In this week’s podcast, episode 96, I share

  • how I turned some of my 13-year-old daughter’s recent learning experiences into notes for my Evernote homeschool records book
  • a lot of the resources that we have been using

Show Notes


Youtube Channel

Facebook Page

Latest music video: Can’t Help Falling in Love


Mansfield Park: movie, (1999) version

Art Documentaries

Great Artists with Tim Marlow: a documentary series

Episode 13: J.M.W. Turner

Mr Turner: movie

Shmoop: educational website

Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey, On Revisiting the Banks of the Wye during a Tour: poem

Moana: movie

Mastermind: game

Mastermind online version

Zeus on the Loose: game

Wartime Farm on Youtube

Tudor Monastery Farm on Youtube

Edwardian Farm on Youtube

Victorian Farm on Youtube

Full Steam Ahead on Youtube

Cranford: movie

iFit: fitness website

iFit virtual runs

Beatrix Potter’s Journal

The Secret World of Codes and Code Breaking

The Secret Code of Diaries

Decoding a War-Time Diary

The Code of Love” A True Story by Andro Linklater

Podcast Music:

Twombly by Podington Bear(CC BY-NC 3.0)

So I’m wondering if you also have to keep homeschool records. Do you like Elvis? And what about board games? Do you have a favourite?

2 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. It was so nice to hear you again Sue. Now that I’m finished, I don’t know what to say, there was so much content! I enjoyed your long walk story, I’m not sure how we would have handled a 10km walk, we are not as fit as your family! Are you still running each morning? How far do you go these days?
    Gemma liked the sound of your worldly treadmill, it must make for a much more interesting exercise session, running around Stonehenge!
    Thank you as usual for all the links and the effort you put into each and every podcast.
    Happy Birthday Sophie!

    • Kelly,

      We’re not running before breakfast at the moment because it’s cold and dark at that time of the morning. Instead, we’re enjoying some virtual runs on the treadmill. Yes, it’s interesting running in different places around the world. The other day, I ran through an African safari. This afternoon I’m going to Poland! My average run is between 5 and 6 km though sometimes I do run further than that. But I don’t run 10 km each day like Gemma-Rose!

      I love sharing links to resources. I hope you find something useful and interesting in this post’s resources list.

      Thank you for Sophie’s birthday greetings and for listening to my podcast!

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