Today I’m tired.
“Have you got anything you really need to do?” asks my daughter Imogen.
“I haven’t yet recorded my podcast,” I reply. “I should do that today.”
“Well, you do that first, and then you must rest. We’ll look after you.”
I’m very fortunate. When I’m tired, I have older children who are prepared to look after me. But it wasn’t always this way. I can remember when a tired day was also a very difficult day.
In this week’s podcast, episode 71, I talk about tired and difficult days.
- Do we plough on when we are overtired, trying to do all we normally do? Should we slow down? Ask for help? How do our tired days affect our children? And how does our attitude affect how we feel about being tired?
- Also, I ponder the many different definitions of the word ‘unschooling’ and ‘radical unschooling’. Are any of them an adequate description of unschooling? What ingredient do I feel is essential for unschooling? Should it be included in any definition, especially when we’re talking about radical unschooling?
- I share some thoughts about chores
- I revisit podcast 70, clarifying a point my daughter Sophie and I talked about last week. Is it ever okay to talk about our concerns about our children? What conditions do we feel are necessary if we do this?
- I share my latest projects: my newsletter and my first it’s-not-a-periscope. What is an it’s-not-a-periscope? I explain in this podcast or you could hop over to my Youtube channel to find out!
- Lastly, I talk about the positive aspects of being tired. Yes, there are some!
Show Notes
Blog posts
about Tired and Difficult Days
My latest video
Last week’s podcast
Episode 70: Trust, Respect and Love Unconditionally
Podcast Music
60’s Quiz Show by Podington Bear, (CC BY-NC 3.0)
Image: Having fun with my new wide angle lens as I share a glimpse of our home. If you’d like a tour, please watch my video, It’s Not a Periscope: Introduction!
You can find more episodes of my Stories of an Unschooling Family podcast on
and here on my blog.
Please feel welcome to stop by to comment or say hello. You could share your favourite definition of unschooling!
Thank you for listening to this week’s podcast episode!
I wouldn't have known you were tired if you hadn't mentioned it 🙂
What stood out from this podcast for me was your comments on your discussion with Sophie about parent's talking about their children others. I have been guilty of venting to others about my most challenging child at times of frustration, and in retrospect, realising the person I vented to was not the right person to share that sort of information with. Then, as I was listening to you talk, I remembered overhearing my own mother talking to others and knowing she was talking about me in a negative light. I remembered how hurtful that was (and is still), I wouldn't want my children to feel that way. I admit I haven't made the time to listen to your last podcast yet, but thank you to Sophie for giving that perspective.
I think you're quite a natural in front of the camera, and as I already told you, it inspired me to not be so camera shy. I had the same thoughts as you, wondering what people would think of how I look etc, but in the end, who cares! I did have one thought about your appearance when watching your video. It was "Sue's hair is so shiny!"
God bless, rest well 🙂
I'm so glad I didn't sound like I was tired. I thought I was speaking rather slowly. My words were appearing in time to my slow tired brain!
Children can give us a new perspective on things, can't they? I don't think we realise exactly how our words and actions are affecting them. And maybe we forget what it was like when we were children, how we felt, though, as you said, memories can come back as we're pondering such things.
Talking with Sophie in the previous podcast was a last minute decision. She was sharing some of her opinions and I suddenly said, "Can I interview you for a podcast?" I think you will enjoy this episode if you have time to listen. Sophie makes a lot of good points. Unfortunately, she had a stuffy nose (she suffers a lot from allergies), but she ploughed on and did her best to speak clearly.
It's wonderful when we inspire each other, and share ideas. Thank you for your kind words about being a natural. I think you also did a wonderful job with your video. Watching it, made me start thinking about a new idea. I think I'll keep that one to myself until it's more fully developed! Anyway, thank you for the inspiration.
"Sue's hair is so shiny" Oh, I like that. So much better than "Sue looks old"! I feel encouraged to get in front of the camera and make more videos. I hope you'll do that too.
God bless you too!
Totally ironic that my hubby just left after stopping home for lunch. I commented to him that I'm too exhausted today and am not really sure why. Maybe my body has no clue what to do with a full night of sleep now that my baby is finally sleeping the whole night! I can completely relate to trying to keep the house looking decent when every time you turn around the baby or kids are making another mess. We now do the quick "your dad's coming home" clean and I don't worry about it too much the rest of the time. I'm less stressed and the kids actually enjoy playing without me harping on them. I've been thinking about your chat with Sophie since I listened awhile ago and am making a conscious effort to watch how I talk about the kiddos (and others). Thanks for "pulling up your socks" and taping this great podcast for us!
I'm sorry to hear you've been feeling tired. Yes, we can feel this way even if we're not being woken up by babies. I imagine you've got a very full and busy life which needs lots of energy to keep up with.
I like doing quick clean-ups too with everyone helping. A few minutes working together can produce miracles or at least a reasonable tidy house!
We can 'pull up our socks' together! I'm so glad you enjoyed the podcast. Thanks for listening!
Wow!! Love this and you on camera! You have a beautiful smile and voice and manner. I would not have noticed if you were tired! Very lovely home with lots of love and blessings. I would love to sit with you for tea at your wonderful table!!! And the library/music/tv room is wonderful!! Thank you for sharing and inviting us into your lovely home and life!!! I can most certainly relate to pushing on when tired!!! Hope you get some needed rest my friend!!!!
How wonderful to see you on my blog again! Your comments are always full of joy and love and encouragement. Thank you! Oh yes, wouldn't it be great if we could drink tea together around our family table and have a proper chat? I'm so glad you visited me. I enjoyed sharing my home with you. Thank you for watching my video!