unschooling - Page 14


Is Unschooling More Than a Method of Homeschooling?

I told this story on Instagram: I heard a sad story. Two women were enjoying lunch together in a cafe. They were halfway through eating their egg and bacon rolls when another woman approached their table and said, “You shouldn’t eat that food. You’re fat.” She then pointed out that she had no problems with her weight – she was…

Guiding Our Kids by Radically Unschooling

Is radical unschooling all about stepping back and letting our children make their own choices without any influence from us? They might make choices we feel happy about. Or they could choose to do things we feel are detrimental to their health and happiness. Perhaps it doesn't matter. It's not about the parent. It's about the child. Shouldn't our children…

The Complicated Issue of Unlimited Screen Time

If we give kids unlimited access to screens and the Internet, will they all learn to self-regulate their usage? Perhaps all we need to do is let go of control and trust. Maybe allow a bit of time for kids to get used to the fact that the screens won’t be taken away and they don’t have to fit as…

Unschooling Teenagers: What They Think and What They Do

Have you ever wondered what unschooling teenagers are like? What kind of people are they? What do they think? What do they do? Have you ever googled the words ‘unschooling teenager’ to find out more? If you have done a search using those words, you might have ended up here on my blog. Two of my unschooling teenager posts show up…

A Gradual Approach to Unschooling and More

Perhaps you’ve already tried unschooling and it didn’t work out for your family.  You might have ended up in a situation you didn’t feel comfortable with. Maybe unschooling didn’t look as you’d imagined? Or maybe you haven’t yet dived in because you’re not sure about certain aspects of unschooling. What if your kids want to spend all their time in front…
a screenshot of my unschool unplanning strewing notebook M

My Unschool Unplanning Strewing Notebook

How can we unschool and, at the same time, be registered homeschoolers? What if our kids have to follow the school syllabus in order to fulfil the registration requirements? And what if we have to present a plan of how we’re going to be teaching our kids that material? Can all this be done without compromising our unschooling way of…

Do Unschoolers Need Holidays?

It’s the last day of the official school term. Yes, Term 3 for 2018 is just about over. So what are we doing? Are we jumping up and down with excitement, glad the holidays are almost here? Perhaps we’ve already dived into holiday mode? I might have said, “Thank goodness this term is over. I’ve had enough. It’s time to…

Making Unschooled Kids Learn Maths Just in Case: [Podcast]

In this week’s podcast episode, I’m sharing a story called Making Unschooled Kids Learn Maths Just in Case. And I’m discussing the main points in it. Is it sensible to make all kids learn maths just in case? What if kids need maths to go to university? What if they decide they want to go to school? This is another…

Sitting Quietly: Unschool Bits and Pieces

Kids Sitting Quietly in Church The other day, I was asked: How do you get young, unschooled children to sit quietly, without disturbing anyone, in church? This was my reply: When my kids were very small I didn’t expect them to sit quietly in church. Little children aren’t designed to sit still for long periods of time. So whenever my…

Are You a Curious Unschooler? [Podcast]

I recorded a new podcast episode! That might surprise you because it’s been quite a while since my last episode. I’ve become a bit of an unreliable podcaster. But, hopefully, that’s about to change: I’m planning to record a new series of episodes. Each episode will be based on a blog post. I’ll be telling a story and then chatting about…

What if Your Right is My Wrong? Unschool Bits and Pieces

What if Your Right is My Wrong? I’m always talking about how important it is that our children develop a sense of right and wrong. But what do we mean by ‘right’? Could your idea of what is right be my wrong? Could my right be your wrong? Although we are all unschoolers, we might not share the same values and…

Critical Comments: Unschool Bits and Pieces

Dealing With Unschooling Critics I know your heart is in the right place. You’re full of love. I can see that. But is that enough? Frankly, my dear, I’m worried. I’m not saying this lightly. I’m not the kind of person who likes to interfere. Everyone knows that. However…. don’t you think you’re putting your kids at risk? They need discipline.…
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