it's not a periscope


It’s Not a Periscope 4: Morning Tea and Library Books

Every day at 10 am we drop everything and have morning tea. But we don’t always drink tea. Sometimes we have coffee or hot chocolate or even a cold drink. Confusing? If you have a morning tea custom, you’ll understand! Today I’m inviting you to visit me for morning tea. You don’t need to bring anything to eat. Sophie has…

It’s Not a Periscope 3: A Bush Walk

A sunny almost-winter afternoon. I’m taking Nora the dog for a walk. We’re heading down to the bush at the end of our road. Would you like to come too? I have to warn you: I’m a fast walker. And how do you feel about running up a steep hill? Will you dash across a playing field with me? Sound…

It’s Not a Periscope 2: Pictures

Did you watch my first it’s-not-a-periscope? It only took ten minutes to make it. I spoke. My daughter Sophie recorded. We did it all in one take. “That was easy,” I said when we’d finished “I could make loads of these videos. All I need is a few spare minutes. I could talk about all kinds of things.” So a few days…

It’s Not a Periscope: Introduction

I’ve been thinking about periscopes. It seems to be the latest thing. Loads of people are making them. They head over to Twitter and announce they’ll be speaking live at a certain hour. Hopefully, a few viewers tune in at the right time. The presenter starts chatting and sharing. I’ve tuned into a periscope once or twice. I’ve watched and…
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