Imogen - Page 3


The Joy and Love of Living an Unschooling Way of Life

Last Friday, my girls and I had a wonderful morning filming Imogen’s latest music video on the banks of a local river. On our way home, we couldn’t help expressing our gratitude for the life we lead. While other people are going to school and work, we’re off on our unschooling adventures. Sometimes joy washes over us. Aren’t we so very fortunate to live this way of life? Occasionally I…

Choosing Not to Look for a ‘Real’ Job

Most people think my 21-year-old daughter is unemployed, but she’s not. She’s a.. Full-time writer, blogger, and musician. So far unpaid… And so far completely undaunted by this fact. I love Imogen’s description of herself. I found it on her blog, Write.Rewrite.Read: Full time musician? Yes, Imogen is recording songs and making music videos. She’s not getting paid for this work, but that’s a minor inconvenience, at least for the…

More Sibling Rivalry: Another Unschooling Interview

Yesterday, I posted a video about sibling rivalry. It’s an interview with my 14-year-old daughter Sophie. Towards the end of the interview, I asked, “No such thing as sibling rivalry?” and Sophie answered, “Not in this house!” I’ve been thinking about the value of posting this video. Is it helpful? Perhaps it’s not. Could it be off-putting? We’ve all heard about those blogs where the blogger and her family seem…

One-on-One Times: Are They Important?

I got up early this morning. The house was quiet until our three cats, and one dog saw me. Meows and pitiful whines accompanied me to the kitchen. Apparently, our animals were on the edge of starvation. It’s just as well, I appeared. Once I’d tossed food into each pet bowl, I filled the kettle. As I stood waiting for the water to boil, I heard a sound. My daughter…

How All Kids Are Amazing

The other day, I read a parenting article in which the author said that parents can love their kids too much. I told my daughter Imogen about this and she was horrified: “You can never love a child too much!” I wonder what the author meant by love. Maybe he thinks parents give their kids the idea they are something special, and then they go out into the world and…

Life after University: Following Dreams

My daughter Imogen has finished her Bachelor of Arts degree. For the past three years, she’s been studying Professional Writing and Publishing. Now Imogen is about to set off on new adventures. So what will she be doing? I thought I’d interview Imogen to find out. Imogen was very happy to answer my questions about her university experience and her plans for the future. They include: Did she like studying…

Kids and Computers

Each member of our family has a computer of her own which she is allowed to use without any restrictions. This doesn’t mean we spend all our time looking at screens. No, we like to do other things too like run and bushwalk, cook and read, sew and play music, talk to each other! But we do value our computers. We regard them as a very useful tool. They open…

Creativity: Why Classical Music Isn’t Enough

I had an idea: “Hey, Imogen, would you like to record a podcast with me? We could discuss all those wild unschooling thoughts that keep bubbling up inside of us.” My 20-year-old daughter nodded, and asked, “What shall we talk about for our first episode?” “How about creativity?” “Sure!” So I made a list of questions we could explore. We set up our microphone. I pressed the ‘record’ button, and…

Dreams, Talents, Working and Unworking

In a few months’ time, my daughter Imogen will finish her university degree. She’s started thinking about what she would like to do next. “I have three lofty dreams,” she says. One of them involves a piano, a microphone and a box of make-up. Can you guess what she wants to do? In this week’s podcast, I talk to Imogen about her dreams for the future. We discuss the following…

Unschooling Children, a School Teacher Father, and Tea

“What does your husband think about you unschooling your children?”  I have been asked this question quite a few times. I guess people are interested in the answer because my husband Andy is a school teacher, as well as an unschooling father. “Would you like to chat with me about unschooling, being a school teacher and your involvement in our children’s lives?” I asked Andy. “Our conversation could be this…
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