how children learn


A Perfect Curriculum or Unschooling?

During our early years of homeschooling, a friend, her eyes alight with excitement, told me about a curriculum she’d just purchased for her children. She described the neatly packaged units of beauty, truth and goodness, which included famous works of art and music and great literature, as well as the basics of a thorough education. My friend’s enthusiasm was contagious. I wondered: do we need this curriculum too? Perhaps my…

Who Should Be Responsible for a Child’s Education, the Parent or the Child?

Who should be responsible for a child's education, the parent or the child? Is learning an active activity that needs the learner’s cooperation? Is it impossible to force knowledge into a child without resorting to teaching methods that ultimately destroy their natural love of learning? Is forced learning real learning? Is it better to unschool and let children learn what’s important to them? But if we choose unschooling, will our…

What Do Unschoolers Do Each Day?

Is unschooling about staying in bed late, spending lazy days in the forest, and baking cookies?  Or is there more to unschooling than that? What does a typical unschooling day look like? Will it be different in different families? Will it change over time?Whatever it looks like, will it always be packed with deep learning?…

What to Do When Unschool Kids Have No Interest in Topics They’re Required to Learn

‘… if we’re curious people, the whole world is a source of fascinating things to investigate. But this doesn’t mean we will all enjoy learning about something the same way. Sometimes we need to find the right angle. Can we find a way into a subject that appeals to us? Can we approach it through the back door?’ -Challenge 50, The Unschool Challenge What if we think something is boring…

Unschool: Experiencing Energy and Gravity

Do parents need to teach kids about such things as forces, gravity, density, heat conduction, friction, the seasons, energy, and life cycles? Or will children learn a lot about these things by experiencing them while engaged in play and other activities?…

Clock Watching, Short Lessons and Curious Questions

This morning, after a long break, I dusted off my mic, sat down and made a new podcast episode! I enjoyed doing this, but I don’t know if I’m back permanently. Can I afford to keep podcasting? Can I afford to keep blogging? (I recently received some huge hosting bills.) Do I still have enough stories to share? Does anyone still want to listen? I talk about these questions in…

Motivated to Learn

Did you ever hear my physics story? When I was in grade 11, we moved house, and so I had to go to a new school. On my first day, I turned up at a physics class. The teacher who’d never had girls in his class before said, “What are you doing here?” And I told him I’d come to learn physics. He replied, “We’ll see about that!” I was…

How Curious Unschooled Kids Learn

The big question is this: will I be awake at 1 am tomorrow (AEST)? Will I join the first live session of my Homeschooling Global Summit interview? Earlier today, I received a Summit email that included these words: If you are available for any of your two sessions, we would love to have you come and join us to chat and engage with the audience.  Two sessions? Yes, my interview…

Unschool Love Stories

About a month ago, I wrote the following story for my unschooling community: This morning, I didn’t want to go for a run. It was cold, I was tired, and I had no one to run with. Running seemed too difficult. Each morning for the last five days, I’ve found a reason not to head out the door just after sunrise to run along the bush tracks at the end…

Unschooling: Clock Watching

I used to watch the clock a lot. Many years ago, when I was at school, every classroom had a clock on the wall. And each of those clocks had leaden hands that moved so slowly that I often thought I’d go crazy before they reached the half-hour or hour position. At those magical points on the circle, a bell would ring, releasing us, sending us into a flurry of…

Letting Go of Our Own Ideas About Our Kids’ Education

Many years ago, I set out on a big search for the perfect method of homeschooling. I was looking for something that would ensure that my kids learnt all the essentials of a good education. (These basics varied depending on what books I was reading.) The perfect method also had to suit me. What did I want to do each day as far as homeschooling went? What did I enjoy…
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