Suzie Andres Chats about Unschooling

Last week, Suzie Andres emailed:

“Just wanted to let you know that tomorrow…  I’ll be on Judy Dudich’s blog/talk radio show to speak about unschooling…”

 So I tuned in, eager to hear what Suzie had to say. I was also eager to hear Suzie’s voice. Although we are friends, we have never met. I soon realised I am pronouncing Suzie’s surname all wrong and, although we Aussies have two different ways of saying St Therese, my friends in the US have a third!

 It was a very warm and friendly interview as Suzie shared her family, their journey to unschooling, the writing of her books, what unschooling is, how it works, the benefits…

 Suzie shared the stories of a few of the inspirational families in her book, A Little Way of Homeschooling. And then I received a huge thrill when she mentioned the name of my blog!

 If you have some quiet time, please make some coffee and settle back to enjoy the interview.

 Here’s a description from the blogtalkradio website:

Join Judy Dudich and guest, author and homeschooling mom, Suzie Andres (A Little Way of Homeschooling) as they explain the ideas and lifestyles of “unschooling”. Known as a world within the world of homeschooling, unschooling often raises eyebrows and brings lots of lively (and controversial) discussions to the table!

 What IS unschooling and is it for YOU?

Tune in and find out!


The Interview


5 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. It was so nice to hear Suzie talk, Sue. And so exciting to hear her mention your blog! I found it encouraging to listen to – thank you for sharing.

    God bless:-)

    • Vicky,

      Yes, it was a great interview. I'm glad I took the time to listen. When I heard Suzie mention my blog, I was so excited. Isn't she kind?

      I just thought others might find Suzie's talk interesting so shared the link.

      Thank you for your comment!

  2. Hi Sue!
    Thanks SO MUCH for sharing my interview with Suzie, here on your wonderful blog! She is SUCH a delight and I can see why she likes your blog so well:)
    Just wanted to mention that if you go to the Blog Talk page for Mothers at Home and click "follow", you will receive email updates/reminders about upcoming show dates/times/topics! Also…"just sayin' "…I haven't met (online) an Aussie Mom that I haven't LOVED! God's blessings to you!

    • Judy,

      Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my blog! I really enjoyed your interview with Suzie. Yes, she is a very delightful person. It sounded like you were both enjoying a wonderful chat.

      I can never resist the temptation to post about Suzie and The Little Way of Homeschooling. I am sure many parents are enjoying your interview. It was my pleasure to share the link.

      Thank you for the info about email updates. I will take a look!

      And thank you for your kind words.

      God bless!

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