Yesterday, I sat inside my walk-in-wardrobe (closet) for an hour. Do you know what I was doing in there? I wasn’t sorting out my clothes. I was recording a podcast!

Why was I podcasting in my closet?  Well, in podcast episode 151, I was pondering the possibility of making an audio version of my book Curious Unschoolers. Do I have the necessary speaking skills? Could I make my recording sound good? A listener -James – stopped by to say, “You have the skills to narrate your own book… My biggest suggestion would be to move your brand new mic into your closet…”

So I recorded this week’s episode surrounded by my clothes because I was experimenting with the sound quality!

In this week’s podcast, Stories from My Closet, I’m answering these questions:

  • Why should you read my book Radical Unschool Love even if you think you’ll never radically unschool?
  • What is my third unschooling book idea?
  • Why do we have to take risks and ignore possible criticism?
  • How did my interview for the Global Homeschooling Summit go?
  • Was my childhood name really Susan Skeleton?
  • Which story am I narrating this week from my book Curious Unschoolers?
  • Why was my birthday urn a life-changing gift?
  • Why was I speechless when I saw the present that my husband Andy gave me for my birthday?

Show Notes

My Unschooling Book

Curious Unschoolers – Kindle

Curious Unschoolers – Print


Sue Elvis

The Global Homeschooling Summit

Thank you for listening to episode 152.

If you have time to review my podcast or book that would be wonderful!

And if you enjoy my podcast, please consider sharing the link so that we can spread the word about unschooling!

An interesting fact: Here in Australia, we have wardrobes and walk-in-robes and even floordrobes, but we don’t have closets. I used the word closet because of James’ comment. Also, I like how the word sounds!

Talking of sound, please let me know what you think of this week’s episode. Does the podcast sound different from normal? Does it sound better? I hope so!

4 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. Hi Sue! I did listen to your “closet podcast,” it was a vast improvement in sound quality. No echos, I don’t think I even heard the puppy dog! You are right about waiting when there are outside noises you can’t do anything about. I do hope you choose to narrate your own book, it would be great. I know it will take a lot of work, but I love listening to your voice, as others have commented, it’s a pleasant, relaxing listen. I listen to two professional Voice Over experts to learn all I can about recording (Bill DeWees, and Michael Delgaudio) as they are most helpful in getting a clean sound. ❤️?

    • James,

      I’m so glad my podcast sounded better. Thank you so much for your closet suggestion. I think I’ll rename my walk-in-robe. From now on it will be known as my recording studio!

      I might try recording my book. After your encouraging comments, I have more confidence. Maybe this is something I can do!

      Thank you for mentioning the voice-over experts. I started reading Bill DeWees’ website, but it wasn’t long before I realised I need more than a few spare minutes to explore it properly. I think I’m about to learn a lot of new things! That’s always exciting, isn’t it?

      I’d love to hear more about your voice-over business when it’s up and running. I hope it’s very successful.

      It’s good to chat with you!

  2. What a surprise to hear you read my review 🙂
    I enjoyed this podcast very much. I liked your Sue Skeleton story. Susan was a very popular name here in the States at one time too. I know a family with a young daughter named Susan and people always say, “I have never met a little Susan before!” Perhaps it will make a comeback.
    Happy belated birthday! My birthday was on Tuesday. May is a nice month here in Michigan with spring ending and flowers opening up everywhere. What is the weather like there?

    • Hi Kristyn,

      Happy belated birthday! I hope you had a wonderful celebration with your family. May you have a year full of love and special moments!

      We are enjoying the last days of autumn. We’ve had some beautiful weather recently. It’s been a warm autumn. Usually, by this time of the year, we’re wearing our coats and shivering. I don’t know what has happened to the weather. I guess we should enjoy the sunny days while we have them because it will probably get cold very soon.

      Thank you so much for your kind review of my book. I really appreciate you taking the time to write it. I smiled when I discovered it. It was so good having a review to read out on my podcast!

      I don’t think I’ve met a little Susan. Older names do seem popular at the moment so maybe it will indeed make a comeback. Charlotte has become popular once again. We named our daughter Charlotte after my grandmother, but I’m sure there are now lots of little Charlottes because of Princess Charlotte.

      I’m so glad you stopped by. Thank you! I hope you have a happy week!

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