Stories About Connection from Radical Unschool Love

In this week’s podcast, I’m sharing a few stories that can be found in my book, Radical Unschool Love:
  • A Teenager’s Thoughts
  • Learning Right from Wrong
  • Developing a Sense of Right and Wrong
  • Can We Be Both Parent and Friend?
  • One-on-One Times

In episode 165, I’m also sharing a blog post called Radical Unschooling: Something Beautiful.

Show Notes

My Unschooling Books

Curious Unschoolers: Kindle

Curious Unschoolers: paperback

Radical Unschool Love: Kindle

Radical Unschool Love: paperback

My Amazon Author Page

Blog post

Radical Unschooling: Something Beautiful



The other day, my daughter Sophie and I went to a park in the centre of a nearby town for some one-on-one time. We took our cameras and a picnic and had a fabulous time connecting together!

Thank you

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Please feel welcome to leave a comment about this episode. You could share your favourite way of connecting with your kids. Do you have one-on-one times with them?

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2 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. I asked my 7yo whether I could be both her Mummy and a friend. She frowned, furrowed her brow and said “Of course. Why not?”. In her untainted mind, she would have no idea of all the arguments why a mother – or father- could not be their child’s friend.

    • Victoria,

      I’m sure adults overcomplicate things. Chrildren see things much more clearly than us, don’t they? Yes, of course, we can be their friends!

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