I’ve been learning new things. You could say I’ve been unschooling! Yesterday, I worked out how to make a podcast.
It wasn’t that difficult. I downloaded Audacity, pressed the ‘record’ button and then started chatting. When I’d finished speaking, I exported the recording as an MP3 file, which I uploaded to the podcast hosting site, Podbean. Voila! I am now a podcaster!
The hardest thing about podcasting is talking. Well, perhaps not talking. I don’t seem to have any trouble doing that. I just open my mouth and the words fall out. But of course, the words have to be interesting. That’s the tricky bit!
Before I started, I made a short list of topics I could chat about and decided not to worry too much about getting everything right. This podcast is an experiment. It doesn’t matter if it isn’t perfect, does it? I learnt a lot from making it and I hope to get better next time.
Towards the end of my podcast, I said I was going to add some theme music to the beginning and end of my recording next time I made one. Actually, I found some music and added it to this podcast after all. I think it adds just the right touch. It makes me sound like a real podcaster! I wonder what you’ll think.
It seems to me, that most real podcasters put together some program notes to go with their podcasts, so I shall do the same. I mentioned quite a few things while I was chatting away. Just in case you want to follow up on these, I’ll list everything and everyone and add the appropriate links. The notes will all make sense if you listen to the podcast. But will you have time to listen? I hope so!
Have you made a cup of coffee? Now get out your ironing board or take up your knitting. It’s time for…
Podcasting, Blogging, Books and Lice!
Podcast Notes
Ellen Gable’s books on Amazon
I enjoyed listening to you! I sat back and looked out the window and felt as if you were chatting with me on the phone :)! Very nice.
Oh Nancy, you are so kind! You must have known I needed a bit of encouragement. There's no stopping me now. I shall try a second podcast. I hope I get better with practise!
btw, wouldn't it be nice to chat on the phone?
This was great, Sue! Your conversation really flows. Podcasts are such a good idea – it's so much more personal to hear a voice than to only read words, I think. My voice sounds too young for me to do it but I'd love to hear all my other favourite bloggers talk.
Looking forward to your next one.
Oh, and how clever of you to know that I was knitting as I listened!
Thank you so much for your kind comment!
Your voice sounds fine to me, but I know what you mean. Don't you hate it when someone phones you, and the caller says, "Can I speak to Mummy please?" That's happened to me a lot!
You are so kind encouraging me to make another podcast. Watch out! You might not be able to stop me now. I might sound more relaxed and natural if I have a co-presenter to talk to. Now who can I persuade to chat with me? Probably Sophie would give it a go.
You were knitting? Perfect! At least your time wasn't wasted while you listened. I wonder what you're making. Is it a big project? Perhaps you'll have lots of listening time as you work on your knitting!