Some Not-Your-Average Maths Websites for Unschool Strewing

Do you strew maths resources for your kids? I used to. I offered books, games, links to websites, and videos because I was legally required to offer maths learning opportunities to my children, and they protested when I presented them with traditional workbooks. They even ...
Unschooling and Connections: How Learning Is All About Creating a Web of Understanding

When I finished my university degree, I threw all my botany and biochemistry lecture notes and books into the garbage bin with relief. And I said, “No one will ever make me learn anything ever again!” I have a science degree, which was presented to ...
Unschooling Maths – What Does Learning Math/s Naturally Look Like?

Many parents say, “We unschool except for maths.” I understand why some people are reluctant to let go of maths because, years ago, we were in the same situation. For some reason, it seemed hard to let my kids learn maths naturally from being exposed ...
Put on Your Real-Life Maths Eyes

Lying awake in bed last night, I did some real-life maths: how long was it before I had to get up for Mass? As the sleepless hours ticked by, the answer to that question became smaller and smaller. After I emerged from the bathroom after ...
Words Packed with Unschool Maths

‘Today will be 17 degrees cooler than yesterday: 20 degrees.’ This morning, I wrote those words in an email to a friend. And then I added this: ‘That sentence reminds me of unschool maths.’ Oh yes, those ten words are packed with maths! Numbers: 17 ...
What’s the Best Place to Bring Up Kids?

Do you ever wonder where you should live? Are you providing the best environment for your kids? Is it rich and full of opportunities for learning? While Imogen and I were on holiday together, we wandered around Kiama where we were staying, taking photos and ...
How to Turn Cooking into Unschool Maths Homeschool Records Notes

When you hear the words ‘real life maths’ or ‘real world maths’ what do you think of? Cooking? That’s the usual example, isn’t it? “My kids did lots of real life maths today. They cooked a cake for morning tea.” When my children were younger, ...
How to Unschool Maths and Still Fulfil Homeschool Registration Requirements

Can Registered Homeschoolers Unschool Maths? Perhaps you’d like to let your kids unschool maths, but you’re worried. Will you have enough maths notes in your records book if you let them drop the formal maths program they’re using? Can you satisfy the maths requirement for ...
Unschool Bushfire Maths

I open my phone to google ‘smoky or smokey’ to find out the correct spelling of this word. (I’ve been using it a lot lately.) And I find a warning waiting for me to read. (It arrived in the night while I was asleep.) A ...
When an Unschooler Isn’t Interested in Maths [Podcast]
![When an Unschooler Isn't Interested in Maths [Podcast]](
Every morning, I lace up my running shoes and then grab our dog Nora's leash before sliding the kitchen door open and stepping out onto the patio. Sometimes I have to pull Nora from her kennel but usually, she is eager for a run and ...
Making Unschooled Kids Learn Maths Just in Case: [Podcast]
![Making Unschooled Kids Learn Maths Just in Case: [Podcast]](
In this week's podcast episode, I'm sharing a story called Making Unschooled Kids Learn Maths Just in Case. And I'm discussing the main points in it. Is it sensible to make all kids learn maths just in case? What if kids need maths to go ...
Critical Comments: Unschool Bits and Pieces

Dealing With Unschooling Critics I know your heart is in the right place. You’re full of love. I can see that. But is that enough? Frankly, my dear, I’m worried. I’m not saying this lightly. I’m not the kind of person who likes to interfere. Everyone ...
Parent and Friend: Unschool Bits and Pieces

Parent and Friend A lot of people say our kids need us to be their parent and not their friend. “There’ll be plenty of time to be friends when they are grown up.” But why waste all those years when we could have been friends? ...
A Teenager Talks About Unschool Maths

My daughter Sophie hasn't done any formal maths since she was about 9 or 10 years old. But she does know a lot about this subject. She's been learning maths in a different way. Several years ago, I said to Sophie, "I’m thinking about making ...
When an Unschooler isn’t Interested in Maths

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Making Unschooled Kids Learn Maths Just in Case

To read this post, enter the password below. Password: If you'd like to make a small Buy Me a Coffee donation to support my blog, I'll send you the password to access all my protected posts ...
Real Life Family Unschool Maths

A few years ago, when my daughter Sophie was 10, she started to say, "I'm no good at maths. I hate it!" At the time, Sophie was using a formal structured maths course. When she started sighing over her work, I knew that it was ...
Unschool Maths and Uncomfortable Ideas

Some ideas might make us feel uncomfortable. We push them to the back of our minds, not wanting to consider them. This is how I used to feel about unschooling maths. We used to be unschoolers who unschooled everything except for maths. (Should we really ...
Turning Unschool Learning into Homeschool Records Notes

Why would I want to turn something as unique and wonderful as unschooling into routine homeschool records notes? I wish I could take delight in my daughters' learning without ever thinking about homeschool records. Unfortunately, that's not possible. I always have to keep one eye ...
What Do Unschoolers Do All Day?

Years ago, when we first started homeschooling, I used to wonder, "What do unschoolers do all day?" Even though I'd read a few books, I couldn't find a satisfactory answer to my question. I needed a fly-on-the wall view into the unschooling life. This is ...
Unschool Christmas Card Maths

"It's just as well Dad's a school teacher," observes my daughter, Imogen, "because if he wasn't, our Christmas card display would be very small." Yes, Andy has a nice stack of Christmas cards that he brought home from school. But the rest of us have ...
A Very Resource Full Week: Rescued Paintings, Graphs, and Expensive Cats

At the beginning of the week, I said, "What shall we do today, Gemma-Rose?" My youngest daughter replied, "How about some maths?" Maths? I nearly fell off my seat. Gemma-Rose is not a maths fan. "Are you sure? Yes? Well, perhaps we can find something ...
Choosing Not to Worry About What Other People Might Think

When you're looking for photos of yourself to post on your blog or Facebook page, do you ever reject any? And if you do, what don't you like about them? I often reject photos that show too many of my wrinkles. "That one makes me ...
Unschool Cemetery Maths

The mist drifts across the field and through the cemetery. Together with the rising sun, it streams between the trees and onto the graves. Golden rays fall upon a black marble monument which rises high, taller than the surrounding stones. I stop in front of ...
Dealing with Our Fears and Other People’s Critical Comments

The other day my daughter Sophie received an email. She read part of it out to me and then said, "What do you think?" "She hasn't expressed herself very well," I remarked. "I don't suppose she meant to sound so abrupt." "How do I reply?" ...
Maths, Chores, and Thanking Our Kids

For the past couple of weeks, we've been living a quiet life. We haven't done anything exciting. No music video shoots. No picnics by the lake. We haven't even been running. The reason? We've all been unwell. It can be frustrating having to slow down, ...
Responding to Unschooling and Other Critics

Earlier this week, I got involved in a long and involved conversation on Facebook. I don't usually do this, but this time, I didn't have a choice. The discussion began on my timeline. It was rather a heated debate: There was more than one opinion ...
Unschool Maths Records: 20+ Ideas for Evernote

Is anyone looking for ideas on how we can use Evernote to record unschool maths? I hope so because I have put together a list of 20+ ideas I use! 1. Copy and paste infographics Recently, we've been pondering such things as how much does ...
Getting Older, Unschooling, and Moving On

My unschooling blog has a limited life. One day, in the not too distant future, I will no longer have anything to write about. My youngest child will have grown up and moved onto a new stage of her life. I'll no longer be sharing ...
Real Life Maths: Designing a Dream Home

"Anyone want to watch Grand Designs?" I shout. My family appears. "We do!" We turn on the TV, slip a disc into the DVD player and settle back to enjoy. In every episode of the TV lifestyle program, Grand Designs, a couple or family builds ...
Stolen Paintings and Real Life Maths

Last week was a hunting week... My daughters and I watched as the FBI tried to hunt down a number of stolen masterpieces. And then I went on a hunt for some real life maths experiences. (Where's all that maths everyone says the world is ...
Chores and Our Typical Unschooling Day

The other morning, after we'd done the morning chores and said prayers together, I asked my girls what they wanted to do. "Can we go to the post office?" asked Gemma-Rose. "I want to post my letters." My eleven-year-old daughter has been writing a lot ...
A Bit of Murder in Our Typical Unschooling Day

"Miss Scarlett did it in the conservatory with the dagger," Gemma-Rose announces to her older sisters. Miss Scarlett, the conservatory and the dagger: Those words belong to my childhood. Many years ago, I loved playing Cluedo with my own sisters. I hoped I'd be the first ...
How I Made a ‘Huge’ Mistake and Was Forgiven

Some days are difficult. Unexpected things happen, and mistakes are made. Clouds blow in and blot out the usual sunshine of our days, and we feel miserable. We let those mistakes overwhelm us. We get bogged down in woe, unable to move on, not because ...
Is Unschooling Just Living Life?

Sometimes life gets busy. Too busy. I like empty weeks: five days waiting to be filled with whatever we like. I thought last week was going to be an empty week. But unexpected things happened. We ended up having lots of appointments to attend and ...
Can We Say We’re Unschoolers if We Require Maths?

Some people will tell you if you unschool everything except maths, you’re not really an unschooler. For how can we say to our kids, “I trust you will learn everything you need to know... but not maths"? We either trust or we don't. Nothing else ...
Why Kids with Families Don’t Need Workbooks to Learn Basic Maths

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Real Life Maths Resources: Some Thoughts and Links

I often go looking for real life maths resources to strew under the noses of my girls. Yes, I like to tempt them with different maths experiences, hoping they’ll think, “Wow! Maths is so interesting, and useful as well!” So when I have a few ...
Creativity: Why Classical Music Isn’t Enough

I had an idea: "Hey, Imogen, would you like to record a podcast with me? We could discuss all those wild unschooling thoughts that keep bubbling up inside of us." My 20-year-old daughter nodded, and asked, "What shall we talk about for our first episode?" ...
Using Evernote to Record Unschool Maths

Proving a child is learning maths, for homechool registration purposes, could be rather tricky for unschoolers. We don't have any maths workbooks or exercise books to show an Authorised Person (AP) when she comes to visit us. We don't have any printouts or achievement certificates ...
The Inflated Can of Baked Beans

“Do you know what inflation is?” I ask. My youngest daughters Sophie and Gemma-Rose look at me with blank faces. “I could tell you a story about inflation. Do you want to hear it?” The girls aren’t sure but I begin the story anyway. “Once ...
Unschool Maths: Why and How

A few years ago, we used to unschool everything except for maths. I guess some people would say that's not really unschooling, but that never worried me. I've learnt to ignore other people's opinions and do what I feel is right for us. We did ...
Pi and Tea, and Our Dog’s Tea Bag Collection

Our puppy Nora has a tea bag collection. She keeps it under the conifer tree at the bottom of our garden. Every day she pushes her long doggy nose between the wooden slats of the compost bin, in search of new treasure to add to ...
Maths and Other Wild and Yummy Stories

We've just had a very wild week. A week ago, we thought we'd arrived at summer. But by Tuesday we’d been thrown back to winter. The temperature plummeted, the rain fell and the wind howled. On Wednesday morning we woke up to find part of ...
Yelling at Maths Games and Other Stories of Our Week

I didn’t make a Thursday video this week. I wonder if you noticed. I meant to. I even had a ‘great’ video idea. I’d planned to interview Andy, my school teacher husband. A school teacher with unschooling children? That might have generated some good conversation ...
Becoming Real Life Maths Detectives

"We use maths all the time," I say to my daughter Gemma-Rose (10). "Maths is everywhere." Everywhere? She doesn't look convinced. "You use maths to count your money," says Sophie, "and when you're cooking." Cooking? How many times have you heard this example when real ...
Approaching Maths Backwards

The other day, I made a big mistake. I uttered the word ‘maths’ in Gemma-Rose’s presence. Oh my! She instantly became stiff and prickly.“What’s wrong with maths?” I asked.“It’s boring. It’s just a lot of numbers.” “You don’t like numbers?” “No.” I attempted a little ...
The Problem with Disguising Maths Practice as Fun

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REAL LIFE Junk Mail Catalogue MATHS

Yesterday I noticed a pile of junk mail catalogues sitting on the kitchen bench, waiting to be thrown into the recycling bin. I had an idea… “If I gave you $500 what would you buy, if you could choose anything from these catalogues?” I asked ...
Why My Unschooler Isn’t Going to Learn Any More Maths

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