Is It Time to Have an Unschool Adventure?

31 January 2024

Have you been on an unschooling adventure recently? Perhaps an adventure arrived unexpectedly? Maybe you dropped everything, climbed into your vehicle with your excited kids, and set off on a spur-of-the-moment adventure?

Spur-of-the-Moment Adventures

Years ago, we had an unexpected whale adventure. It was so good, we’re still talking about it today. I wrote about our memorable day at the beach in my post, Younger Unschoolers: Spur-of-the Moment Adventures. Here’s how it begins:

One of the best learning days that I can remember happened many years ago when my eldest child was about six or seven. I was listening to the radio while doing some chores and heard that a whale and her calf had been spotted off a local beach. I told my kids (I had three at the time), and they got very excited. Could we go to the beach? Could we see the whales? Of course! We abandoned the chores, packed a picnic, climbed into the car and headed for the coast.

And here’s the rest of the story:

Adventure Juice

Before you head off in search of adventure, you might need to fill your car or van with some Unschooling Adventure Juice!

Planned Adventures and Learning Rules

Of course, some adventures require a bit of planning. But are unschoolers allowed to plan? Oh yes! We also need to observe some learning adventure ‘rules’.

Here’s the beginning of my story, Younger Unschoolers: Our Learning Adventure Rules:

If we’re willing to seize the moment, we can have some fabulous spur-of-the-moment learning adventures. We could find ourselves unexpectedly sitting on a beach watching breaching whales.

But can we also have planned adventures with our unschooling kids?

Oh yes! When my kids were younger, they loved exploring new places and experiencing new things. (They still do!) They were ready at any moment to head out the door on an adventure. But sometimes I wasn’t ready. Other things claimed my attention. Time would pass without us doing anything. I realised we needed to do a bit of planning. So I suggested that we turn every Wednesday into an adventure day. My kids liked this idea. Each week, we’d brainstorm ideas. Where would we go? What would we do? Did we need a picnic?

Why not read the rest of my story?

An Unschool Challenge

If you have a copy of my book, The Unschool Challenge you could do Challenge 60: Go On an Adventure!

So, what do you think?

When was the last time you and your family had an adventure? Was it planned? Or did you suddenly seize hold of an opportunity and set off to meet an adventure? What did you do? Where did you go? Why not stop by and share a memorable adventure?

And if it’s been awhile since your last adventure, why not have one today!

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