Should we insist our children bring their own dirty cups back to the kitchen? If we don’t, will they fail to learn responsibility and consideration? Will they become self-centred and lazy?
Cecilie and Jesper Conrad and I had a fabulous conversation for the Self Directed podcast discussing these questions and much more. We asked: Is it okay if kids do whatever they like? Should we stand back and give our kids this freedom? Is this what radical unschooling is all about? Or could this be unparenting? Do our kids need our guidance given in a respectful way?
Here’s the episode description:
Sue Elvis is an Australian author, blogger, and podcaster renowned for her work in the unschooling community. She runs the blog “Stories of an Unschooling Family,” where she shares her experiences and insights about unschooling and radical parenting.
Join us as we welcome Sue Elvis back for her third visit and discuss the ins and outs of unschooling. We dive into this educational approach’s everyday challenges and triumphs, from getting kids to brush their teeth to planning for college. This episode is a helpful guide for parents thinking about leaving conventional schooling behind, highlighting the importance of trusting their instincts and valuing personal freedom in raising children.
We also discuss balancing parental guidance with giving kids the freedom to choose. We examine how societal norms can influence our decisions about haircuts or education. Our conversation emphasizes supporting children’s autonomy while dealing with societal pressures. This episode isn’t just about unschooling; it’s about the joys and rewards of parenting
Intuition and Independence: Unschooling Tips and Practical Advice
Episode 71 of the Self Directed Podcast is now live on all podcast apps and YouTube.
The Audio Version
The Video Version
If you’d like to watch as well as listen, here’s the video:
Other Self Directed Podcast Episodes
Cecilie and Jesper invited me to join them for episodes 65 and 66 of Self Directed podcast. Did you listen?
Next week, Cecilie, Jesper and I will be getting together to record a 4th podcast episode. I’m going to be in the host’s seat for this conversation. Yes, I’m taking over the Self Directed podcast! Why not subscribe to the Conrads’ podcast either on YouTube or your favourite podcast app so you will hear when this episode goes live? You could also follow the Conrad Family on Instagram or Facebook.
More About Radical Unschooling
If you’d like to read more about radical unschooling, you could check out the following two blog posts.
Guiding Our Children by Radically Unschooling

Junk Food and Poor Hygiene: Is Radical Unschooling Wrong?

Radical Unschool Love
Have you read my book, Radical Unschool Love?
If we unschool, we allow our kids to learn what interests them. But what if we go one step further and let our children make their own decisions about, not only their education but all aspects of their lives?
What if we radically unschool?
Perhaps this sounds like a recipe for disaster. If we decide to radically unschool, won’t life become chaotic? Surely our kids will become wild and out of control?
Sue says: “Many people think radical unschooling is an irresponsible thing to do. I’m hoping to change this negative image. Tell everyone what I think radical unschooling is really all about. It’s about unconditional love.”
In Radical Unschool Love, Sue shows how radical unschooling isn’t about stepping back and letting our kids do whatever they like. Instead, it’s about building up strong bonds of connection with our children so that we can guide them respectfully without control.
Sue shares many real-life stories about love, respect, trust, rules, joy, forgiveness, babies and toddlers, teenagers, difficult days, chores, food, Christian unschooling and much more.
Radical Unschool Love isn’t only for unschoolers or even homeschoolers. It’s for anyone interested in living a life of unconditional love. Perhaps it’s for everyone, because aren’t we all called to love?
This new edition of Radical Unschool Love, like the first one, is crammed full of stories and ideas to ponder:
‘Whether you unschool or not, this is a lovely book with beautiful stories and lots to ponder. The author has a gift for storytelling and for sharing her insights and wisdom. It was an enjoyable read with warm and happy family tales, heartbreaking memories of grief and trials, and most of all encouragement. The principles and hopes discussed here are what anyone would desire for their own families and, as such, I would recommend it for any type of homeschooling family and even families with children attending traditional school.‘ – Vicky.
Why not read my blog posts, take a look at my books and, most importantly, listen to episode 71 of the Self Directed podcast? You could also stop by and share your thoughts!