How Unschoolers Own the World

25 November 2024

What comes to mind when someone mentions nature studies, famous artists, or living books? Charlotte Mason?

What about classical novels, The Great Books or Latin? Classical education?

Do you think about unit studies when you hear someone is exploring a topic in many different ways?

And what about notebooking? Perhaps someone who writes down details of their learning is using this method.

We often associate resources and learning techniques with particular homeschooling methods, don’t we? However, Charlotte Mason doesn’t own all the famous artworks, the Latin language doesn’t belong exclusively to classical homeschoolers, notebooking homeschoolers aren’t the only people who own notebooks, and unit studies isn’t the only way to look at a topic from multiple angles.

We don’t have to use a homeschool method to appreciate art, keep a nature journal, dive into the classics, keep a notebook or read living books. We can retell a story we’ve read, draw what we’ve seen, memorise quotes and poems that make our hearts sing, collect interesting facts in a notebook, travel from English to science without even realising it while exploring a topic, and discuss a classical book around the kitchen table, coffee mug in hand, without adopting a homeschooling method. All these things belong to the world where unschoolers live.

We can dip into everything the world offers as we follow our curiosity or our needs.

Each homeschooling method adopts particular learning techniques. It picks and chooses the resources it values the most. It borrows things from the world; it doesn’t own them.

But unschoolers? Unschoolers use everything on offer in any way they like.

Unschoolers own the whole world.


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Christian Unschooling Zoom Meetups

If you’d like to get together via Zoom to discuss topics relevant to Christian unschooling, please contact Erin or me. All the details are in my post: A Genuine Invitation for Christian Unschoolers. Our next meetup will be next week, Wednesday/Thursday depending on where you live in the world!


Possible Unschooling Zooms

I might arrange a few unschooling Zooms on non-Christian topics if enough people are interested. The cost would be a cup of virtual coffee per Zoom. Please let me know if you’re interested.


Not Sure if Buying Me a Coffee Is Worth It?


Here are six good reasons to consider buying one or two:

  • You’ll have access to my more personal stories.
  • You can read my children’s stories.
  • If my blog has helped you in any way, and you’d like to thank me, a coffee would make me smile.
  • Coffee encourages me to keep writing.
  • It also helps keep my blog online.
  • You can join the inner circle, a kind of private community where you can comment without the world reading your words.

Of course, if you can’t afford to buy a coffee, I’m happy to give you the password. Just let me know!



Some birds from my world:

Male superb fairy wren by pen_ash, Unsplash

Male king parrot by Tahlia Doyle, Unsplash

Kookaburra by pen_ash, Unsplash

I often see these birds in our garden. I also see kookaburras in the bush not far from our house.


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A Genuine Invitation for Christian Unschoolers

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Do You Need to Follow an Older Unschooler? (Part 1)

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