How the Girls and I Take a Weekly Trip Overseas

14 August 2013

Every week the girls and I take an overseas trip.

The week before last we went to Vietnam. We flew into Hanoi, the city of rickshaws and mopeds and many people. We stood, rather bewildered, as streams of two-wheeled vehicles surged past us. Before long, we’d mounted our own bikes and were puttering out of the busy city headed for the quiet and peace of the delta.

 “Rice paddies!” someone shouted.

 The Vietnamese farmers smiled and waved at us. We decided to stop so we could chat to these friendly people. Soon we were sampling rice cooked inside bamboo tubes. Delicious!

 We clambered through huge limestone caves on the coast, and visited a floating village where fishermen lived.

 Vietnam was fascinating but we were glad to return home. My husband Andy was eager to hear all the details of our overseas adventure.

 “We brought you back a traditional cone hat. Lots of people wear them.”

 “We saw a man sailing in a boat made from a round basket. It was lined with tar.”

 “We floated down the Mekong River in a boat… a proper boat, not a basket boat.”

 “We watched a man drink snake’s blood. It’s supposed to be special, but it looked awful! I couldn’t bear to watch.”

 “The people burn money as an offering when their relatives die.”

 “Did you know Vietnamese money is called the dong? Isn’t that a funny word?”

 “You should have seen the old French colonial buildings!”

 Last week, I asked, “Where do you want to go this week, girls?”

 “New Zealand!”

 We flew to New Zealand, land of extreme sports, home of the bungee jump. We sailed and skied, and fought the waves in a surfing carnival. We climbed mountains, and then for a change of pace, we cheered the Wallabies as they played rugby against the All Blacks. We visited a nature sanctuary and cradled endangered flightless kiwi birds, recently hatched from their eggs.

 “Can we visit the geysers?”

 “Do you think this volcano will erupt?”

 Yes, New Zealand was a beautiful, exhilarating and exciting country.

 When we got home, Andy asked, “Did you bungee jump?”

 “No, Mum was too scared.”

 “It was scary enough watching the ash flying from the volcano!”

 “Dad, can I give you a traditional Maori greeting?”

 “Unfortunately the All Blacks won the rugby… like usual. Do you think the Wallabies will ever win?”

 Yes, the girls always have lots to share with Andy.

 It’s a pity he can’t come with us on our adventures. Every day he has to go to school to teach his students. His time is not his own.

 But us? We’re unschoolers. We’re free to go wherever we like, any day of the week.

 Now, where shall we go this week?

Antarctica? Iceland? South Africa? Ooooh! London looks good!

 There are many different travel tours, I’m sure. But if you’d like to go on the same ones as us, fly over to Youtube and experience a Discovery Channel Ultimate Journey.

 Bon Voyage! Have a wonderful trip!


12 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. Sue Elvis Vicky says:

    That sounds like fun:) I hope you aren't feeling jet-lagged after all that traveling!

    Did you know that YouTube has lots of History Channel documentaries, too? I've only just discovered them and I'm so pleased – I love documentaries. I'm going to watch one about the unknown Htler, tonight. We're reading Pennies for Hitler so it's a particular interest, at the moment.

    I think we might go traveling, tomorrow, too. I hear London's good at this time of year!

    God bless, Sue:)

    • Sue Elvis Sue Elvis says:


      History channel? Oh that sounds interesting! Thank you for sharing! I can see we're going to have to get into our Tardis and go back in time for some history adventures!

      We loved the book Pennies for Hitler. We've just finished Jackie French's The Girl from Snowy River. That was good too.

      We have decided London is the destination of our next overseas trip. We will be flying out in the next few minutes. You are quite right: I bet the summer weather is wonderful in England at the moment. We'll send you a postcard!

  2. Sue Elvis Kari says:


    What fun! I love to visit other places and especially when I can do so from the comfort of my own home. It is so much more relaxing to avoid the packing and unpacking and the chaos of the airport.

    My children always claim documentaries bore them and then they sit enthralled and watch the whole thing with me. Maybe if I call them "overseas trips" they will forgo the complaining and just sit down to watch and learn and enjoy!

    Maybe we'll start with Australia! 🙂

    • Sue Elvis Sue Elvis says:


      We haven't been overseas or even to an airport for many years. Just packing up for a week at the beach is enough work!

      Usually it's me that's reluctant to watch documentaries. I'm a bit like your children. But yes, I get involved too once I start watching. I have been surprised just how many interesting videos there are on Youtube.

      Yes, take an overseas trip to Australia. Come on over! I hope you enjoy your visit to our country!

      Kari, thank you for your kindness in visiting Sophie's blog and leaving a comment. She was thrilled to see you'd read her post.

  3. Sue Elvis Monica says:

    This is a great idea!

    • Sue Elvis Sue Elvis says:


      Thank you. I wonder if you like documentaries especially those about different places in the world.

      God bless!

  4. Sue Elvis Wendy says:

    Thank you so much! This year I had wanted to do a big geography project: we are planning an around the world tour and learning how to plan, get tickets and hotels, and what we would like to see and experience in each country – this is perfect!

    We love documentaries!

    • Sue Elvis Sue Elvis says:


      An around the world trip sounds so exciting! I think we'd also enjoy researching tickets and accommodation…. and dreaming. Oh yes, I'll suggest your ideas to the girls. I think we're off to Japan next. I wonder how much it really costs to get there. And where would we stay? We must find out more!

  5. Sue Elvis Karla in MN says:

    Thanks for sharing…sounds like fun, we'll have to begin taking some journeys as well!

    • Sue Elvis Sue Elvis says:


      So lovely to see you on my blog! Thank you so much for stopping by. I know you've been busy recently with Cheyenne's graduation. I enjoyed the photos!

      Let me know if you go on any interesting journeys!

  6. Sue Elvis Kathryn Coard says:

    Another great resource for me to explore .
    When we have recovered from our real travels, we will enjoy some virtual ones ?

    • Sue Elvis Sue Elvis says:


      It sounds like you had some amazing real travels. I enjoyed following along via your Instagram photos. A virtual tour is only a pale reflection of what you've just experienced. But at least when we hop over to Youtube for a quick trip overseas, we don't have to pack our suitcases and we can sleep in our own beds! I hope you are settling back at home after your time away. Thank you for stopping by!

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