Forcing Kids to Learn and to Eat, and Should We Test Them?

19 March 2015

“What shall I speak about in this week’s podcast?” I ask my daughters.
“What are you thinking about at the moment?” asks Imogen.

“Next week’s homeschool registration visit. Perhaps I’ll start with that and see where it leads.”

And this is where it led…

What kind of records will I be presenting for next week’s homeschool registration visit?

I have to make a plan for the next period of registration. How can I do that when we are unschoolers who don’t work to a plan?

What do I think is wrong with testing?

Is it possible to make kids learn what they don’t want to know?

What if kids refuse to learn what they ‘have’ to learn?

Can we force children to eat?

Is it our duty to train kids to eat whatever food is given to them?

Do I have any fussy eaters?

And who does the cooking in our family?

“What shall I call my podcast?” I ask. “Do you think I could call it A Very Interesting Podcast?”

“Is it interesting?” Imogen asks.

“I have no idea. I suppose I’d better play safe and call it Forcing Kids to Learn and to Eat, and Should We Test Them?

Does that sound interesting? I hope so!

Show Notes

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There are more posts on my Homeschool Records and Registration page


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 Stuff You Missed in History Class Podcast: Australian History


 By Grace by Podington Bear, (CC BY-NC 3.0)

Now on to this week’s podcast: Episode 26, Forcing Kids to Learn and to Eat, and Should We Test Them?

2 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. Interesting topic, Sue. I agree with Sophie, we learn better about something when we want to learn about it. I think that we also learn about something whether we want to or not. It just takes longer and more difficult to learn, as well as we don't retain it s long, because we're resisting so much. I think about when I was 10 years old and the Mama kept teaching me the "correct" way to sweep. It was many years later that I found myself starting to sweep the "correct" way because it didn't cause dust to go all over the place.

    • Susie,

      Oh yes it does take us longer to learn something if we're resisting, I agree! When we see a need for the skill, it's so much easier. Maybe learning to sweep correctly does come under the heading of something we need to learn. I wonder if we are left to ourselves, we'll eventually discover this on our own. Perhaps we resist because someone else has told us we 'have' to learn it, rather than finding out this for ourselves. I can imagine how frustrated the Mama became as she tried to teach you. She must be a very patient person! I like using the vacuum cleaner rather than the broom. It's much more efficient!

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