Extracting Every Drop of Joy from Our Parenting Days

Did you go searching for joy today? Did you look for ways to turn ordinary moments into something special for you and your family?

Did you linger in bed with a child snuggled up beside you, savouring the warmth and softness of little-person-skin instead of rushing to get on with your day?

Perhaps you talked about your hopes for the day with each child? Did you say, “Is there anything special I can do for you today?”

Did you stop at the playground after visiting the shops instead of hurrying straight home? Did you think, “The work waiting at home isn’t as important as spending time with my kids”?

Did you buy finger buns or another treat to enjoy at a picnic table next to the playground?

Did you push your children on the swings? Did you have a go yourself, swinging higher and higher, feeling the breeze on your face?

Did you use your prettiest mugs for morning or afternoon tea instead of the everyday ones?

Maybe you found an opportunity to say thank you to your children?

Did you help your child with a smile on your face and then say, “It was a pleasure!”?

Perhaps you gave your child a bunch of flowers and she took delight in this unexpected gift?

Maybe you made a snack and a drink for your child who was involved deeply with his latest interest? Did you arrange everything attractively on a tray and take it to him with a smile?

Did you tell your kids how proud you are of them? And then did you explain why?

Did you say, “Let’s make some sandwiches and go on a picnic!”? Did you then set off on an adventure?

Perhaps you suddenly suggested a walk to a local shop to buy ice cream?

Did your children say, “Can you please read one more chapter?”? And did their eyes glow as you kept reading chapter after chapter of your read-aloud book until your throat felt scratchy and dry?

Did you ignore the clock and sit up late watching a movie or chatting together?

Maybe you hugged a child tightly and said, “I love being your mother (or father)!”?

Did you say yes instead of no and see your kids’ faces light up?

Did you tell a silly joke or a funny story? Did your children smile? Did they giggle? Did you?

At bedtime, did you say to your kids, “I enjoyed spending my day with you!”?

Did you talk about the delights of your day? Did you ask your kids to share theirs?

Today, were you thankful for your kids?

Did your heart overflow with love?

Did you ignore all those misguided warnings about the dangers of spoiling kids, and refuse to ration out the special moments of life? Did you turn as much of your day as possible into something special?

We need to extract every drop of joy from our parenting days because this precious time with our kids won’t last forever.

So, where did you find joy today?


One morning, not so long ago, this bouquet of flowers was delivered to our house. It was an unexpected gift for me from my daughter Sophie. Of course, it brought me lots of joy!

More Stories About Joy and Unschooling

Did you know there’s a Joy section in my book, Unschool Radical Love?

6 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. Yes! Today I was thankful for our kids and my heart overflowed with joy and love! Tonight I found joy in: singing a fun song on the radio with my oldest girls while driving them home from ballet class, once home watching a cool video on youtube about a Lego set with my middle child, snuggling with my youngest and tucking him into bed with a cozy blanket knitted by his biggest sister when he was born, and lastly listening to my 2 littles share excited details about their day that included baking cookies with Grandma…what a wonderful world we share! Thank you for your post!

    • Staci,

      Joy is contagious, isn’t it? My heart feels warm just reading your words! I love how you added the detail about the cosy blanket. Things are special because of the love associated with them. Thank you so much for sharing your joy-filled day! ❤️

  2. Thank you for these reminders about making every day a joy. The one I find myself needing to remember is “not rationing out the special moments.” Last week, we were running errands as a family, and ended up at a farm store where we spontaneously bought some baby chicks. To see the kids’ faces light up at that unexpected “yes, let’s get them” has been supplying me with joy in the days since!

    • Anita,

      I can easily imagine the joy the baby chicks are bringing to your family! So often we wonder if we’re spoiling our kids when we say yes, don’t we? But the looks on our children’s faces after we have said yes rather than no are enough to banish that thought away. Yes, let’s not ration out the special moments. I’m so glad you stopped by to share your joy story. Thank you!

  3. this was a lovely post to read today, I normally do this as much as possible, but one of my children has been ill for a long time. Sometimes the effort I’m putting into researching and trying to help him with appointments thrown in can drown out everything. I tried to actively remember this, particularly for my other child that bringing joy to them in lots of different ways is something I’ve always loved. I’ve been thinking of ways I can do this more for my ill son so that his life doesn’t just revolve around his illness. xx

    • willcress,

      Oh yes, during the difficult times of our lives, it often seems as if there isn’t any leftover time or energy for creating joy for our families. I love how you said we have to actively remember to do this. I hope your joyful moments are helping your children cope with your son’s illness. I also hope his health improves. Thank you so much for sharing your story. ❤️

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