Does Christian Unschooling Interest You?

4 September 2024

I’ve written three unschooling books.

I focused on the educational side of unschooling in Curious Unschoolers.

I extended the unschooling story in Radical Unschool Love by sharing parenting thoughts and stories.

And I offered practical suggestions for turning all those interesting unschooling ideas into something real in families’ lives in The Unschool Challenge.

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Three books. A trilogy. Everything I can possibly say about unschooling. Well, that’s what I thought until a new idea began forming at the back of my mind. Now I’m wondering:

Could I write a Christian unschooling book?

I’ve already told some Christian unschooling stories in my three books, but have I got more to share? Could I gather together  all my thoughts on this topic, add some untold stories and publish a new book?

I guess nothing is stopping me from doing that. We can all write what we like, can’t we? So, I suppose what I’m really wondering about is this:

Is there a need for such a book? Is anyone interested in reading about Christian unschooling?

Last night, I scribbled down a few relevant ideas I could write about. Now, I’m thinking about trying out a few of them by writing blog posts that could later be edited and gathered into a book. If I did this, I’d make my Christian unschooling posts private but accessible to readers who have the easy-to-obtain password.

I’m always saying, “So, what do you think?” I extend an invitation at the end of each blog post to stop by, say hello, and have a say. But recently, no one has done this.

I could huff and puff a bit about the lack of interaction. I could demand my ball back, tuck it under my arm, and then stomp off, declaring, “I don’t want to play this game anymore!” But that’s a bit childish, isn’t it? A much better way to encourage comments and support is to offer something readers might feel excited about and want to get involved with.

Could that something be Christian unschooling?

So, are you interested in Christian unschooling? If I wrote a series of Christian posts, would you read them? Would you buy a Christian unschooling book if I ever put one together?

Please stop by and share your thoughts!



12 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. I would be interested too!
    I’m curious to see how that differs from your other unschooling books. The only departure I can see right off would probably be a little more structure around certain issues as opposed to allowing ALL decisions to be made completely by the child.

    • Kathleen,

      Thank you so much for letting me know you’re interested!

      I think if I wrote a Christian unschooling book, it would be closely connected with my other books. Our faith is the foundation of our unschooling life, and so it affects everything we do whether that’s parenting or education. Perhaps when I begin writing, I’ll discover I haven’t actually got anything new to share. But it might be interesting to write some Christian unschooling blog posts first and see if they lead to a book. I hope you’ll read along as I write and offer your comments!

  2. Hi Sue,
    I’ve just stumbled into your blog for the first time and I’m really excited to see what I can learn from you.
    I’m a single unschooling Christian mum living our best life out in the Aussie bush. I’d definitely buy your book on unschooling and faith.
    I was looking online for resources thinking I should start conventional HS and I found you instead. What a confirmation. Thank you 🙏🏻 Nette.

    • Nette,

      I’m pleased to meet you! I’m glad you stumbled over my blog. I hope you enjoy my posts and find them helpful.

      You’ll find our beautiful Aussie bush in many of my stories. It’s been at the centre of our unschooling lives for a long time. Despite being surrounded by the bush, we live fairly close to a city and can get to Sydney easily. I wonder if you’re in a more remote location.

      I look forward to sharing some Christian unschooling posts with you and maybe writing a book.

      Enjoy the weekend! 😊

  3. I’m a mum in New Zealand who (partly through questions about education for my kids) converted to Catholicism a couple of years ago. I’d absolutely love to read anything you write on Christian usnchooling. Pleeease!

    • It’s so lovely to meet you! Thank you for stopping by to let me know you’re interested in Christian unschooling. I have lots of ideas for blog posts. I just need to write them! Maybe you will add your thoughts on my posts. I’m looking forward to discussing Christian unschooling with you! 🩷

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