Christian Unschooling

A Genuine Invitation for Christian Unschoolers

A Genuine Invitation for Christian Unschoolers
Sometimes, invitations aren’t genuine invitations. They might sound like proper invitations. We say the right words, “Would you like to…?” but expect a particular response that doesn’t include the right to decline. Then, some invitations are issued without a personal touch. We wonder, “Does it ...

How to Write a Million Unschool Love Stories

How to Write a Million Unschool Love Stories
I used to think the defining word of unschooling was freedom. Freedom attracted me. I wanted to be free to do whatever I liked. I wanted to get up each day and do anything or nothing at all. But I soon realised there’s a problem ...

Christian Unschooling: Should We Encourage Our Kids to Seek Security?

Christian Unschooling: Should We Encourage Our Kids to Seek Security?
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When Mothering Is Not Enough

When Mothering Is Not Enough
I got together with a few friends, and while we were sitting around the table sipping tea, our conversation turned towards kids, screens, and the Internet, a popular topic. Someone told us about a doctor who advocated having no technology in the family home because ...

Christian Unschooling: Do Kids Need Silence and Space to Hear God?

Christian Unschooling: Do Kids Need Silence and Space to Hear God?
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Does Christian Unschooling Interest You?

Does Christian Unschooling Interest You?
I’ve written three unschooling books. I focused on the educational side of unschooling in Curious Unschoolers. I extended the unschooling story in Radical Unschool Love by sharing parenting thoughts and stories. And I offered practical suggestions for turning all those interesting unschooling ideas into something ...

Is It Wrong to Love Without Limits?

Is It Wrong to Love Without Limits?
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Is Trying to Impress Others a Waste of Time?

Is Trying to Impress Others a Waste of Time?
Strolling between the gum trees on a winter's morning with Nora and Quinn, my fingers painful with the cold, I meet Matilda. I smile and stop. So do my dogs. They thrust their grinning heads into the undergrowth, happy to sniff up all the smells ...

When We Don’t Know What to Do

When We Don’t Know What to Do
I've just updated my blog. I started at the first post I ever wrote and then worked my way through 14 years of stories, reading each one before deciding whether to keep it or revert it to draft. I then checked the formatting of the ...

When Children Move Out of an Unschool Home

When Children Move Out of an Unschool Home
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Love or Fear? What Guides Our Lives?

Love or Fear? What Guides Our Lives?
There are so many things we could fear. We might be too afraid to send our kids to school if we listen to the loud voices telling us how bad traditional education is. We might choose homeschooling because of that fear. If we decide to ...

Parenting: Doing Our Inadequate Best

Parenting: Doing Our Inadequate Best
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Getting on Track: Introducing Janelle and Her Unschool Story

Getting on Track: Introducing Janelle and Her Unschool Story
I’m delighted to welcome Janelle and her family to my blog! After sending out a plea for help, Janelle contacted me, saying: I believe we have somewhat always been unschoolers or lifeschoolers under the guise of eclectic homeschooling. As our children aged, I thought education ...

The Stories of Our Lives

The Stories of Our Lives
Yesterday morning, I accidentally clicked onto a phone Bible app and found myself reading the words, Guided Prayer. It felt rude to refuse the invitation laid out before me, so I continued: I started to pray. A few minutes into the prayer session, I was ...

Unschool: Greater Things

Unschool: Greater Things
She was tempted to aim low, afraid to risk failure, but she knew she shouldn’t settle for ordinary. More was expected. So she gathered her courage, did what she should, and life got exciting. And she changed. How often do we aim low because we're ...

My New Book: The Unschool Challenge

My New Book: The Unschool Challenge
I have some big news: I’ve finished and published my third unschooling book, The Unschool Challenge, and it’s now available on Amazon! My author copies of my new book arrived the day before my daughter, Charlotte, and I set off for the coast for a ...

Should We Encourage Our Kids to Follow Their Dreams?

Should We Encourage Our Kids to Follow Their Dreams?
What did you want to be when you were a child? I wanted to be a writer. I had a cardboard box inside my wardrobe where I stored my scribbled stories about princesses, dragons and faraway kingdoms. At night, in bed, before dropping off to ...

Can Christians Unschool?

Can Christians Unschool?
Can Christians unschool? We’re Christian unschoolers. Maybe you’re Christian unschoolers too? There are lots of us living this way of life. But are we doing the right thing? Or are we side-stepping our responsibilities when we choose to unschool? Are we choosing the easy, lazy ...

When We Can’t Decide What’s the Best Way to Bring Up and Educate Our Kids

When We Can’t Decide What’s the Best Way to Bring Up and Educate Our Kids
Do you ever swap between the various methods of homeschooling looking for the perfect way to bring up and educate your kids? I used to do that. I’d try one thing after another, confusing myself and my kids, while never finding what I was searching ...

Radical Unschool Love, Praise and Joy

Radical Unschool Love, Praise and Joy
Do you ever praise your kids? Do you tell them you’re proud of them? Some people say we shouldn't praise our kids. Maybe that's because our children might end up doing things only because they want to gain our approval. And is there a risk ...

How Unschooling Saved the Dragon Mother

How Unschooling Saved the Dragon Mother
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Christian Unschooling: Letting God into Our Kids’ Lives

Christian Unschooling: Letting God into Our Kids’ Lives
I used to tick off my spiritual boxes religiously every day. I said a lot of prayers and read my Bible. And I got extra ticks whenever I was able to get to daily Mass, so I made the effort to get there as often ...

Losing Time

Losing Time
I’ve been reading a book called A Time to Die by Nicholas Diat, who visited eight monasteries to talk to the monks about the experience of death. Here’s something that caught my attention: One monk described how he cares for the old and sick, and ...

The Problem With Being Too Nice

The Problem With Being Too Nice
Are you too nice? I am. I want to help everyone. Support and encouragement are my middle names. Send me an email and I’ll spend hours answering it. Write me a comment and I’ll always reply. Ask for some mentoring and I’ll do my best ...

Christian Unschooling: the Foremost Task of a Parent

Christian Unschooling: the Foremost Task of a Parent
A few days ago, in my Stories of an Unschooling Family community, I posted these thoughts: A parent does her best to give her child a good education but should concentrating on academic success be her main focus? Perhaps a parent’s most important task is ...

Unschooling Cats and Rats and Trust

Unschooling Cats and Rats and Trust
Did you hear that we’ve had lots of rain recently? It’s brought everything back to life after the bushfires. The burnt bush is regenerating. We’ve got grass, instead of stubble, in our back garden. It’s lush and green and knee-deep. We have new life inside ...

Christian Unschooling: Should Parents Demand Obedience from Their Children?

Christian Unschooling: Should Parents Demand Obedience from Their Children?
Not so long ago, I was reading a spiritual book that mentioned monks and their life of poverty, chastity and obedience. And this got me thinking about obedience. Monks are obedient to their superiors and the rule of their order. They are imitating Jesus who ...

Time and Trust and Letting Go

Time and Trust and Letting Go
If Darth Vader somehow got into your podcast, would you still publish it? If you tuned into a podcast episode and heard some noisy breathing, would you continue listening? Why am I asking these strange questions? Well, the latest episode of my podcast isn’t perfect ...

Christian Unschooling: Disciplining With Unconditional Love

Christian Unschooling: Disciplining With Unconditional Love
If our children misbehave, what do we do? Make them sit on the time-out chair? Punish them? Perhaps we should withdraw our love. Be cold and distant. Make things unpleasant for our kids because they need to know how upset we are, don't they? We ...

Christian Unschooling: Are Desires Important?

Christian Unschooling: Are Desires Important?
Do you have great desires? Are there things you want to do with your life? Maybe you know in a vague kind of way that you need to do something, but you don’t know what you should do. Or perhaps your desires don’t feel important ...

Shall We Talk About Christian Unschooling?

Shall We Talk About Christian Unschooling?
I often get to the point where I feel I haven't got anything more to say about unschooling. I wonder: is it time to move on? At the beginning of last year, I reached such a point. However, instead of thinking about moving away from ...

Reading Out Loud and a Generous Christmas

Reading Out Loud and a Generous Christmas
Do you like listening to stories being read out loud? I have to admit that this isn't my favourite activity. My mind tends to wander and I miss half the words. But my kids are different from me. They love reading aloud time. Even though ...

Respecting Kids and Christmas Presents

Respecting Kids and Christmas Presents
Does having a simple Christmas sound good? It does to me. This year, like last year and the one before, I wanted to announce that I'm not buying a lot of Christmas presents. I thought about saying that I'm not buying any at all. I ...

The Extraordinary Ordinary Things of Life

The Extraordinary Ordinary Things of Life
I'm at Thomas' wake. I have his memory box on my knee, and I take out a few photos and pass them to a friend. "He was a chubby baby!" she exclaims. I reply, "He wasn't really. Those photos were taken at the funeral home ...

Sitting Quietly: Unschool Bits and Pieces

Sitting Quietly: Unschool Bits and Pieces
Kids Sitting Quietly in Church The other day, I was asked: How do you get young, unschooled children to sit quietly, without disturbing anyone, in church? This was my reply: When my kids were very small I didn't expect them to sit quietly in church ...

What if Your Right is My Wrong? Unschool Bits and Pieces

What if Your Right is My Wrong? Unschool Bits and Pieces
What if Your Right is My Wrong? I'm always talking about how important it is that our children develop a sense of right and wrong. But what do we mean by 'right'? Could your idea of what is right be my wrong? Could my right be ...

Accidental Unschoolers

Accidental Unschoolers
This is the second part of our homeschooling story. It follows on from my post Undercover Homeschoolers. When our first child Felicity was about 6 years old and we’d been homeschooling for maybe a year, I met Anna. She lived in a wooden oasis of ...

Kids, Needs, and Church

Kids, Needs, and Church
Should unschooled kids be forced to go to church? I wonder if this is the wrong question to ask when our kids protest about coming with us. Would it be better to ask, Why doesn't my child want to go to church? In this week's podcast, ...

Dragon Mothers and Parenting Mistakes

Dragon Mothers and Parenting Mistakes
In a previous post, I wrote: Oh my, you should see my file of 'failed' podcasts. Yesterday, I added another one to the pile. "How did your podcast go, Mum?" my daughter Imogen asked me, and I replied, "It wasn't quite right. It didn't flow." ...

Christian Unschooling and Other Things

Christian Unschooling and Other Things
I made a new podcast episode! Yes, after an absence of a few weeks, I'm back. So where did I go? Nowhere in particular. I was just at home enjoying lots of slow summer days. Maybe I was feeling lazy. But yesterday, that changed. I ...

An Impossible Adventure

An Impossible Adventure
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Letting Go of Control

Letting Go of Control
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Bringing God into the Unschooling Picture

Bringing <em>God</em> into the Unschooling Picture
A few months ago, I wrote a post called Why This is the End of the Line for Me. I decided that I'd explored unschooling from every possible angle. What more could I write about? It was time for me to move onto other things ...

A Podcast Transcript: Passing On Our Values and Beliefs to Our Children

A Podcast Transcript: Passing On Our Values and Beliefs to Our Children
This post is a transcript of part of my podcast, Episode 102: Sharing Our Values and Beliefs With Our Unschooled Children. I edited my original words to make them flow better. I reordered some of them, cut out repetitions, and made some small additions so ...

Sharing Our Values and Beliefs With Our Unschooled Children

Sharing Our Values and Beliefs With Our Unschooled Children
We all have our beliefs. Even if we don't have a religious faith, we still believe in something. We all have values which shape our lives. Is it okay if we share these beliefs and values with our kids? I've heard some unschoolers say that ...

The Extraordinary Ordinary Things of Life [Podcast]

The Extraordinary Ordinary Things of Life [Podcast]
In this week's podcast, episode 85, I share a story. It's about love and pain and this extraordinary unschooling life we are living. This is how the story ends: So I live in the present moment and I enjoy the ordinary things of life which ...

Another Typical Unschooling Day

Another Typical Unschooling Day
A couple of weeks ago, I emailed the subscribers of my unschooling newsletter with a question: ... what do you think about a 'typical unschooling day' feature? Would it be interesting to read about each other's days? Of course, we're not going to judge one ...

Listening to Kids

Listening to Kids
The other day I interviewed my 14-year-old daughter, Sophie: I wanted to hear her opinions about perfect families, mistakes and listening to kids. It was only later when I watched the finished video, I realised I'd made a big mistake: I'd done more talking than ...

Can Unschooling Be a Christian Thing to Do?

Can Unschooling Be a Christian Thing to Do?
When a child has been controlled all her life, she just might grow into the kind of adult who says, “Nobody is ever going to make me do what they want ever again. From now on I’m going to do what I want.” She might ...

Pondering Trust

Pondering Trust
I never wanted to be in a position where I had to trust God. I preferred to rely on my own resources. I wanted to be totally in control of my own life. That seemed easier to do because trusting is so very difficult. Or ...
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