Choosing Not to Worry About What Other People Might Think

When you’re looking for photos of yourself to post on your blog or Facebook page, do you ever reject any? And if you do, what don’t you like about them?

I often reject photos that show too many of my wrinkles. “That one makes me look old,” I say.  I also don’t like photos of myself with uncomfortable smiles. They make me look old too. Yes, I’m very picky when it comes to photos. I’m concerned about my image. I want people to think I’m youngish and not-too-bad looking. (Unfortunately, there’s no fooling my ‘real life’ friends. They can see me as I really am.)

I wonder if most of us have at least a few concerns about our appearance and how others perceive us. Or perhaps it’s just me.

I’m thinking about my appearance and what other people might think of it because I’ve been making some videos recently. I’ve been putting myself in front of the camera where everyone can see me just as I am. And that’s a bit scary. “Do I really want to do this?” I asked myself just before I did it. “What will everyone think when they realise I’m getting old? Will they not want to know me anymore?”

But I’m trying to let go of such worries. I realise that if I do worry about what other people might think, I could miss out on all kinds of interesting experiences… like making videos.  I’m really enjoying being in front of the camera. It’s a new challenge. What does it matter what I look like? Anyway, probably viewers aren’t thinking half the things I imagine they’re thinking. Sometimes our worries only exist within our heads.

I talk about ageing, appearance and associated insecurities in this week’s podcast.

In episode 72, I also talk about:

  • video making
  • Facebook
  • Livestreaming
  • resources which might spark off some new learning experiences if life is a bit quiet

I also ponder a few unschooling questions such as:

  • Are some kids so resourceful they have no need of basic skills?

Show Notes


My It’s Not a Periscope videos

Imogen’s video: The Sound of Silence


Imogen’s Facebook page: Imogen Elvis


Blog post

How the Girls and I Take a Weekly Trip Overseas

Iceland and Volcanoes

Ultimate Journeys: Iceland
BBC – Volcano Live, Iceland Erupts: A Volcano Live Special
National Geographic Kids: 17 explosive facts about volcanoes!


Bedtime Math
A Fast 500 Miles:   The Indy 500
Whatever Floats That Big Boat: The Harmony of the Seas
Yummy Math


Camp NaNoWriMo

Podcast Music

60’s Quiz Show by Podington Bear, (CC BY-NC 3.0)

Images: Sophie took these photos of me on my last birthday.

You can find more episodes of my Stories of an Unschooling Family podcast on

and here on my blog.

Please feel welcome to stop by to comment or say hello. Perhaps you could share the country you’d most like to visit either in real life or on Youtube.

Thank you for listening to this week’s podcast!

4 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. Sue,
    I watched one of your "It's not a periscope" episodes and I really haven't thought about how old you looked or anything like that.
    I was just curious about what you would tell and show your audience. And I love your Australian accent!

    • Ida,

      You are a beautiful person. Thank you! It's lovely to know my friends don't worry about such things as appearance and age. I've decided I haven't got time to worry either. I'm too busy thinking about all those wonderful things I can share with other people!

  2. I really appreciate the fact that you are older than me, it was something I was excited about when I found you! The fact that you have grown children makes me feel more confident in listening to what you have to say – I know that you aren't just making things up, that you've lived them and experienced them and learned from mistakes. Your age is a benefit, it gives you more credibility!

    • Beth,

      Somtimes I wish I were as young and beautiful as you, but I will accept being experienced and a credible witness of unschooling instead! Yes, more years does mean more experience. It also means more mistakes, but I suppose we learn from all of those! Dear Beth, thank you for your kind words. I do appreciate your friendship and I love sharing with you! Thank you for stopping by!

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