

How to Turn an Art Gallery Outing into Homeschool Records Notes

Awhile back, Gemma-Rose and I went to the art gallery in Sydney to see the Masters of Modern Art exhibition. When we returned home, I turned our outing into homeschool records. What kind of notes did I make? Well, here are some of the things I added to our Evernote notebook: Photos of Gemma-Rose in the art gallery and a description of where we went and what we saw. A…

Registered Homeschoolers Who Unschool, Confidence, and Other Thoughts

I wonder if more people would unschool if there was no such thing as homeschool registration. Maybe having to fulfil registration requirements seems daunting. How can we give our kids the freedom to follow their interests when we have to answer to the education department? Can it be done? I think it can, and this was one of the messages I wanted to pass on when I was talking about…

Stories from My Closet

Yesterday, I sat inside my walk-in-wardrobe (closet) for an hour. Do you know what I was doing in there? I wasn’t sorting out my clothes. I was recording a podcast! Why was I podcasting in my closet?  Well, in podcast episode 151, I was pondering the possibility of making an audio version of my book Curious Unschoolers. Do I have the necessary speaking skills? Could I make my recording sound…

My Unschooler’s Homeschool Registration Visit

It seems like a very long time since I last wrote a blog post. Maybe you were beginning to think I’d abandoned my blog. Could I have gone off to do something completely different? No, I still here! I’ve just been spending a lot of time working on my unschooling books instead of blogging. So how are my books coming along? The first book Curious Unschoolers is finished. But even…

Our Writing Unrules for Unschoolers

How do unschoolers learn to write? Can they gain the necessary writing skills without any formal instruction? I think they can. Actually, I know they can because that’s what my daughter Imogen did! She’s an unschooler who went to university to study writing. Now she has a Bachelor of Arts degree in professional writing and publishing. She’s also written and published her first YA novel and is well on her…

Turning Our Unschool Weeks into Homeschool Records

Sometimes life is quiet. We can stay at home and relax. There’s plenty of time to say such things as “Would you like to watch a Shakespeare play with me?” We read books and drink hot chocolate. We write and chat and work on our individual projects. And as we do all this, I add links and notes to our homeschool records book. But sometimes life races along at an…

Turning My Teenager’s Unschool Learning into Homeschool Records

How do we turn our unschoolers’ learning into homeschool records notes? What do we write? What educational language can we use? If we haven’t got any written assignments or worksheets, what do we add to our notebooks to show what our kids have been doing? I’m going to share some of my daughter Gemma-Rose’s recent learning experiences and how I’ve recorded them in our records book. Gemma-Rose is fourteen so…
a screenshot of my unschool unplanning strewing notebook M

My Unschool Unplanning Strewing Notebook

How can we unschool and, at the same time, be registered homeschoolers? What if our kids have to follow the school syllabus in order to fulfil the registration requirements? And what if we have to present a plan of how we’re going to be teaching our kids that material? Can all this be done without compromising our unschooling way of life? I think it can! We’ve been unschoolers and registered…

Do Unschoolers Need Holidays?

It’s the last day of the official school term. Yes, Term 3 for 2018 is just about over. So what are we doing? Are we jumping up and down with excitement, glad the holidays are almost here? Perhaps we’ve already dived into holiday mode? I might have said, “Thank goodness this term is over. I’ve had enough. It’s time to take a break!” No, we didn’t do any of that.…

Why It’s Important to Allow Kids to Follow Their Interests and Passions

After my recent series of short unschooling blog post story podcasts, I now have a longer episode. It’s jam-packed full of thoughts, ideas and news! In episode 116, I’m discussing the following questions: Does planning have any place in unschooling? Can we make attractive planners using Evernote? Will I continue my Evernote workshop series? How does balance fit into an unschooling life? Why is it very important that we let our…

How Do I Turn Unschooling Life into Homeschool Records?

Sometimes life is quiet. We can stay at home and relax.  There’s plenty of time to say such things as “Would you like to watch a Shakespeare play with me?” We read books and drink hot chocolate. We write and chat and work on our individual projects. And as we do all this, I add links and notes to our homeschool records book. But sometimes life races along at an…

Turning Unschool Learning into Homeschool Records Notes

Why would I want to turn something as unique and wonderful as unschooling into routine homeschool records notes? I wish I could take delight in my daughters’ learning without ever thinking about homeschool records. Unfortunately, that’s not possible. I always have to keep one eye on the records book so that my unschoolers can fulfil the necessary homeschool registration requirements . While my girls are busy learning, I have to do a…
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