Books, Music, Burnout and a Mystery!

This podcast is a few days late or a couple of days early, depending on how you look at it. It’s also not the same podcast I originally recorded. This week I reveal what happened to the first one and I also talk about…

  • Beginnings: How do we capture an audience’s attention?
  • Books, especially Australian ones
  • Free music which can be used for podcasting, video making and any other purpose
  • My new Zoom audio recorder and how it performs
  • What not to do if you are afflicted by blogging burnout

I also try something new: My podcast, for the first time, is not one long unending passage of speech!

Program Notes

Australian novels

Fifty Must Read Australian Novels

Picnic at Hanging Rock: the book by Joan Lindsay
Picnic at Hanging Rock: the movie trailer
Picnic at Hanging Rock: the DVD
Picnic at Hanging Rock: iTunes movie
Picnic at Hanging Rock: the movie soundtrack
What Really Happened at Hanging Rock?
The Secret of Hanging Rock: The Final Chapter
The Solution to Joan Lindsay’s ‘Picnic at Hanging Rock’?

My Brilliant Career by Miles Franklin (free Kindle book)

The Shiralee: the book by D’Arcy Niland
The Shiralee: the TV mini-series

Children’s books:

The Magic Pudding by Norman Lindsay
Seven Little Australians by Ethel Turner


Free Music Archive
mighty lilbumble bee by Origami Repetika, (CC BY-NC 3.0)
Do You Know What’s at the End of Our Road: the video
Do You Know What’s at the End of Our Road: the blog post

Now onto this week’s podcast:

Books, Music, Burnout and a Mystery!


The painting at the top of this post is called Lost. The artist is Australian, Frederick McCubbin.


The Angels of Abbey Creek

You can find more podcasts on my podcast page.

Photo: Everyone needs her own copy of my children’s novel, The Angels of Abbey Creek. (I have a boxful!)

Did you know there’s an Advent story in my book?

12 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. I enjoyed listening to this, Sue. It was inspirational. I picked up some ideas for blogging the KLAs (just in a quiet way).

    BTW, I got here via your public FB page. It's the only link I've found to work, at the moment.

    Thank you for sharing xx

    • Vicky,

      I am intrigued by your sentence 'I picked up some ideas for blogging the KLAs (just in a quiet way).' You must share more! Thank you so much for listening to my inexpert podcast and writing some kind words about it.

      As you now know, my blog is back where it should be! I won't be deleting it again. I got myself into too much trouble by doing that!

      Thank you for always being so encouraging. xxx

    • Yes, my blog is back at the right URL again! I am so relieved. It took me a long time to work out how to fix the problem. I had to do a lot of research and I tried lots of different things until I succeeded. I had to really work my brain hard to cope with all the technical stuff!

      I guess I'm not very good at balancing my Internet life. I get overwhelmed sometimes by all the info that seems to keep flooding towards me. But I do enjoy blogging so I shall just have to step back every now and then and have a break, so I don't feel like deleting my blog again.

      Thank you so much for listening to my podcast and for your kind comment!

  2. So glad to see you back, I felt so disappointed to discover your blog had disappeared! I hadn't thought of Picnic at Hanging Rock in such a long time, I remember watching the movie when I was younger and the general consensus at school was that it was "definitely a true story!" A few years later, as a teenager I visited Hanging Rock and found it rather dull in comparison to the haunting mystery of the movie 🙂
    I like the changes you made to the podcast, it was a bit like a newsy segment.

    • Kelly,

      Comments like yours make me want to keep blogging, even when it gets hard. Thank you!

      You've been to Hanging Rock? Yes, I read somewhere that the real rock isn't as exciting as it sounds in the book. But it still must be a tourist attraction. It has its own website! I suppose the tourist industry wants people to keep wondering about the truth of the story so they will the visit the rock.

      It was good to try something new in my podcast. I know I am a long way from getting things perfect but I'm learning and maybe my podcasts will improve over time. Thank you for listening!

  3. Great job! I love listening to you and as always you have given me plenty of ideas and links to peruse ?

    I am so glad you are blogging I was worried about you when the blog went missing as I do enjoy your stories and posts!

    Hope you are having a good week this week.

    Love San xx

    • San,

      Thank you so much for your concern when I went missing. I'm glad to be back. I know I'd miss everyone if I did delete my blog forever. Thank you also for listening to my podcast!

  4. Welcome back, Sue! You've been missed! I'm taking time to reevaluate our pace — both online and offline, so I'll be listening to your podcast for some tips! Have good week!

    • Hwee,

      It is very humbling to be missed. Thank you for welcoming me back.

      I fear I misled you in my intro to my podcast. Really I had only one tip for when burn-out hits. But this is a topic I'd like to explore further. Maybe a lot of bloggers suffer from burn-out at one time or the other. Anyway I have a few ideas turning over in my head… I hope you are able to pace yourself as Christmas approaches.

      btw, I really enjoyed reading your last post. So many links and ideas! Thank you!

  5. Sue, I've found myself looking forward to your podcasts more and more. They are a lovely part of my Friday morning routine. You were so right in that conversation with Sophie about your audience liking to listen as we do something else. Today I unpacked my groceries while I listened – you are very good company!

    What a shame about the wind spoiling your "on location" podcast. I would be very interested in hearing your and Imogen's ideas about practising musical instruments, should you ever feel inspired to record them again.

    Thank you for un-deleting your blog. You are a very special presence in the homeschooling blogosphere. No one presents such an inspiring example of unschooling as you. The world would be a much poorer place without your words – even if you never wrote another one. (But I hope you do! For so long as it feels good, at least!)

    • Lucinda,

      Imogen and I had a lot of fun recording the podcast about music. Yes, it was a pity about the wind. Imogen had some interesting things to say. Maybe w'll get a chance to chat again.

      Lucinda, this is a very special comment. Thank you for taking the time to encourage me, both in my podcasting and especially in my blogging. You have made my day.

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