Be Brave and The Unschool Challenge

3 March 2023

Sometimes we have to be brave, don’t we?

We might need to ignore people’s opinions and possible criticism and do whatever fulfils the needs of our kids.

We could need courage to ignore our fears about how our work will be received and go out there, use our talents and fulfil our dreams.

Sometimes we need to be brave and step outside our comfort zones so we don’t end up sitting on the sidelines of life, missing out on experiences that could be amazing.

But what makes us brave? What propels us into uncomfortable situations we’d rather avoid? Could it be love?

Because of love, we can do anything for our kids, can’t we? Love is a superpower that gives us the strength to block our ears to the well-meaning advice of people who don’t understand and do what is right, do what our kids need.

Love gives us the desire to work on our passions, get excited, and want to share them with the world.

Love enables us to do hard things that bring our kids joy. We might discover they give us joy too.

I’ve done some brave things recently. I published my book, The Unschool Challenge, and sent it out into the world where it might be welcomed. Or maybe it won’t.

I’ve also been brave in the ocean. Normally I’m reluctant to go into the water. But while I was at the beach with my daughter Charlotte last week, I joined her in the waves. We played ‘smashing’, letting the waves pound against our bodies, feeling the thrill of their force. And then when the waves started throwing seaweed at us, entangling our legs, we sat and wallowed in the shallower water.

We chatted as the sun poured down upon us and the waves ran over our legs. And I soaked in the joy of the moment. Charlotte was joyful because I’d been brave and joined in the fun of being in the ocean. And I was joyful because Charlotte was joyful. It’s funny how that happens, isn’t it?

Challenge 76 in The Unschool Challenge is called Be Brave. Once upon a time, many years ago, I made my first podcast episode. Publishing it required courage. Oh yes, I had to be brave and risk people criticising my efforts.

Yesterday, after a long break, I recorded a new podcast episode: Be Brave and The Unschool Challenge. As you have probably worked out, I’m talking about my new book in this episode. I’m also talking about being brave. Maybe the theme of my latest unschooling book is bravery. If you’d like to know more, perhaps you can listen to this week’s offering, episode 191!

Show Notes


My Unschooling Books

The Unschool Challenge: Kindle

The Unschool Challenge: paperback

Curious Unschoolers: Kindle

Curious Unschoolers: paperback

Radical Unschool Love: Kindle

Radical Unschool Love: paperback

My Amazon Author Page

Where You Can Find Me

Blog: Stories of an Unschooling Family

Instagram: stories_ofan_unschoolingfamily

Youtube: Sue Elvis

Things I Mention in This Episode

John Holt’s Growing Without Schooling magazine

The Virtual Kitchen Table podcast

Episode 5, Part 1: Kindness and Unconditional Love: What Do They Have to Do with Unschooling?

Episode 5, Part 2: Kindness and Unconditional Love: What Do They Have to Do with Unschooling?

Watch out for the Virtual Kitchen Table podcast about deschooling and The Unschool Challenge. It’ll be available some time in the next few weeks. Why not subscribe to the podcast so you hear all about the latest episodes?

Art of Manliness podcast

Jane Austen for Dudes

The Word on Fire Institute YouTube channel

God and Gaming video series

Do you need to be brave? Will love give you courage to do what is right? And will you check out my new book? I hope so!

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2 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. Lovely post, Sue! I just bought your new book and can’t wait to read it. Thanks for being brave!!!

    • Staci,

      Thank you so much for buying my book! I hope you like it. I’m so pleased to see you on my blog. I hope all is well with you and your family. xx

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