Another Way of Looking at Our Unschooled Kids’ Learning

7 July 2019

I didn’t publish a podcast episode last week. That might not surprise you because recently, I’ve become an unreliable podcaster. But maybe you will be surprised when I tell you that I did make an episode. This morning, I dashed into my closet recording studio and recorded episode 155. I edited it and then checked it by listening to it while walking the dogs. And then I uploaded it. It’s now available online!

So I’m feeling good. I’ve caught up. I met the challenge! Now the big question is: will I make an episode this week? I hope so. I should have lots to talk about in episode 156 because I’m going on an adventure with my husband Andy and our daughters Sophie and Gemma-Rose. We’re off to visit my son Callum. Imogen and Charlotte and our son Duncan will be staying at home to look after our house and the two dogs. Or maybe the dogs will look after them. Quinn is rather suspicious of strangers!

I’m wondering: how long will it take us to get to Callum’s place? Seven hours? Or will the journey take longer? We might get lost. Or the traffic could be heavy.  How many photos will Sophie and I take? Hundreds? Or maybe thousands? Will Quinn survive at home without Gemma-Rose? Will she pine? One thing I am certain about is that we are going to have a fabulous time!

But back to this week. In episode 155 of my Stories of an Unschooling Family podcast, I’m sharing and discussing my story, Another Way of Looking at Our Kids’ Learning.

I’m talking about my teenager’s morning:

  • What did Gemma-Rose do?
  • How could I record her learning in terms of school subjects?
  • And could I think about her learning in another way?

Even if you have read Another Way of Looking at Our Kids’ Learning, I hope you’ll listen to my podcast. I have other things to share as well as this story. I’m also talking about the importance of play for both children and adults. And I share a couple of podcast reviews that I was thrilled to receive. A big thank you to The Simple living Mom and Home Ed Fam!!

Show Notes

Blog Post

 Another Way of Looking at Our Kids’ Learning

My Unschooling Books

Curious Unschoolers: Kindle

Curious Unschoolers: paperback

Radical Unschool Love: Kindle

Radical Unschool Love: paperback


Sue Elvis


Of course, our dogs Nora and Quinn want to join us whenever we settle on the sofa to watch a movie or documentary!

Thank you…

for listening to this episode. If you enjoy my podcast, please consider sharing the link so that we can spread the word about unschooling. A quick review or rating would help too!

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to leave a comment about this episode. I’d love you to stop by and say hello.

4 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. I can’t wait to listen to the podcast! I’m excited to hear what you have to say about the importance of play and about another way of looking at learning!
    Be safe traveling. We’re looking forward to hearing more about your adventures!

    • Amber,

      I hope you enjoyed listening to the podcast!

      We had a wonderful adventure when we visited Callum. He lives in a small country town in an area very different from where we live. Callum enjoyed showing us all the local sights. We bumped along dirt roads in his truck and saw farms and coal mines, cows, sheep, wallabies and wedge-tailed eagles. We drank lots of coffee and chatted about all kinds of things and I took photos of everything. It was a good trip!

  2. Hi Sue,
    This podcast was really helpful in terms of seeing the full scope of learning that goes on in a day verses the curriculum/syllabus view. Really well done and each time I listen I gain confidence to move to more unschooling. Love this journey

    • Tam,

      I’m so glad the podcast was helpful. Thank you for your kind feedback! It’s good to share experiences and thoughts and encourage each other so that we can all live this amazing unschooling life!

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