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When Parents Want What Is Best for Them, Not Their Unschooling Kids

When Parents Want What Is Best for Them, Not Their Unschooling Kids
I stretch out my legs in front of me and immediately realise I’ve brought something back from my recent dog-walking expedition in the wet bush. I leap to my feet and scare Quinn by screaming, “Get off me!” A leech is feasting on my blood ...

Unschooling and Connections: How Learning Is All About Creating a Web of Understanding

Unschooling and Connections: How Learning Is All About Creating a Web of Understanding
When I finished my university degree, I threw all my botany and biochemistry lecture notes and books into the garbage bin with relief. And I said, “No one will ever make me learn anything ever again!” I have a science degree, which was presented to ...

Unschooling Maths – What Does Learning Math/s Naturally Look Like?

Unschooling Maths - What Does Learning Math/s Naturally Look Like?
Many parents say, “We unschool except for maths.” I understand why some people are reluctant to let go of maths because, years ago, we were in the same situation. For some reason, it seemed hard to let my kids learn maths naturally from being exposed ...

Unschooling: Trust, Autonomy, and The Realities of Learning

Unschooling: Trust, Autonomy, and The Realities of Learning
The Ladies are Fixing the World again! Cecilie, Sandra and I are discussing the words ‘self-regulation’ and ‘limits’. When we say, “I’ve let go of control, and now I’m waiting for my child to learn how to regulate his time playing video games (for example),” ...

What if Our Unschooled Kids Complain or Reject Everything We Hold Dear?

What if Our Unschooled Kids Complain or Reject Everything We Hold Dear?
I took my blog offline to fix a few technical problems, but at the back of my mind was a question: Have I had enough of blogging? Maybe I should keep my blog hidden permanently from public view. Perhaps it’s time to become an ex-unschooling ...

Why This Unschool Mother Doesn’t Care

Why This Unschool Mother Doesn’t Care
He who doesn’t care has more power. I heard those words somewhere, scribbled them into my journal, and then pondered them. Are they true? Should we care? Or are there some things we shouldn’t waste our time caring about? One thing I do care about ...

The Unschool Fangirl Returns

The Unschool Fangirl Returns
I’ve been a guest on other people’s podcasts, but I haven’t made a new episode on my own Stories of an Unschooling Family podcast for many months. But that has changed. Yesterday, I plugged my mic into my MacBook and started talking. (Unfortunately, I forgot ...

Unschooling: A Lifestyle of Curiosity, Flexibility, and Trust

Unschooling: A Lifestyle of Curiosity, Flexibility, and Trust
I’m a Lady Fixing the World! Cecilie Conrad kindly invited me to join her and Sandra Dodd for Season 2 of her podcastThe Ladies Fixing the World. We recorded our first unschooling conversation together in November 2024 before life got extra-busy with Christmas, and it ...

Examining An Unschooling Life

Examining An Unschooling Life
I drop a peppermint teabag into my favourite glass mug, add boiling water, and carry it to the living room. Opening the blinds so I can see the sun as soon as it rises, I settle on the sofa with the cat, who keeps trying ...

Why I’m Content to Be a Blogger and Not an Instagram Influencer

Why I’m Content to Be a Blogger and Not an Instagram Influencer
There was an ad in my feed for a quirky quilt cover, but how did Instagram know I was searching for something a bit different to throw over my bed? I hadn’t mentioned quilts in my posts. “The app must listen to our conversations,” I ...

How to Beat Time Who Jolts Us Forward Without Permission

How to Beat Time Who Jolts Us Forward Without Permission
Time moves us forward without our permission. If we don’t want to look back with regret, we should stop worrying about the future and focus on the present moment, extracting joy from each unschool day before it disappears. The carol bird has gone. Maybe a ...

Who Would We Be Without Unschooling?

Who Would We Be Without Unschooling?
Unschooling changes parents as well as kids. We learn, face life’s challenges with courage, soak up the joys, do things we never expected. We grow and become different people from those we were when we first set out on our homeschooling adventures. Who would we ...

Some Strange and Interesting Bookish Questions

Some Strange and Interesting Bookish Questions
If you could have only half of a book, would you prefer the first half or the second one? My daughter Imogen and I discuss this question after I tell her a friend gave me too much money for a copy of one of my ...

As the Unschooling Season Changes

As the Unschooling Season Changes
Parents, sadly fed up with having their kids at home, are beginning to say, “When does school begin again?” My once-glorious hydrangeas are turning brown, and my agapanthus flowers are resembling dirty cotton mop heads. Soon, the carol bird will fly away north. Time is ...

Need Some Unschooling Encouragement and Ideas to Ponder?

Need Some Unschooling Encouragement and Ideas to Ponder?
I chatted with Cecilie Conrad and Sandra Dodd this morning via Zoom. We were recording episode 6 of the second season of Da Ladies Fixing the World podcast. I’ve known Sandra for many years, much longer than she’s known me. A long time ago, I ...

Unschooling: A Slow but Productive Way of Life

Unschooling: A Slow but Productive Way of Life
My beautician and I have thought-provoking conversations. Yesterday, while Bonnie was taming and tinting my ageing eyebrows, making them look fierce, we chatted about time. We started with photography and how phones have simplified the process of capturing images. After buying an iPhone 15 Pro ...

Unschool: Be Brave, Adventurous and Just a Bit Daring

Unschool: Be Brave, Adventurous and Just a Bit Daring
It’s mid-summer, and our days are sticky-hot and stormy. I feel like descending our bush-covered mountain and heading for the coast. “Perhaps we could find a dog-friendly holiday house at the beach,” I tell my husband Andy. I imagine standing in the ocean, waves rolling ...

Strewing to Share Passions and Keep Our Bonds Strong

Strewing to Share Passions and Keep Our Bonds Strong
Driving past a cafe in town, I spied a blue racing car. “I need a photo of the car to send to Callum!” I cried. So Andy turned the car around and headed back to the cafe. As we parked the car, my husband said, ...

Do You Need to Follow an Older Unschooler? (Part 2)

Do You Need to Follow an Older Unschooler? (Part 2)
I choose the photos I share online with care, looking for ones with good, flattering light. I also need my photo smile to be just right. Sometimes, my smile looks a bit goofy because of my overbite. I reject these images, wanting to hide my ...

Do You Need to Follow an Older Unschooler? (Part 1)

Do You Need to Follow an Older Unschooler? (Part 1)
Our fluid intelligence - our ability to focus and problem solve - will inevitably decline as we age. Listening to Arthur C. Brooks say this during a YouTube interview, I instantly protested, “No!” What if I keep my brain active by playing lots of video ...

How Unschoolers Own the World

How Unschoolers Own the World
What comes to mind when someone mentions nature studies, famous artists, or living books? Charlotte Mason? What about classical novels, The Great Books or Latin? Classical education? Do you think about unit studies when you hear someone is exploring a topic in many different ways? ...

A Genuine Invitation for Christian Unschoolers

A Genuine Invitation for Christian Unschoolers
Sometimes, invitations aren’t genuine invitations. They might sound like proper invitations. We say the right words, “Would you like to…?” but expect a particular response that doesn’t include the right to decline. Then, some invitations are issued without a personal touch. We wonder, “Does it ...

How to Help Our Kids With Their Career Choices

How to Help Our Kids With Their Career Choices
To read this post, enter the password below. Password: If you'd like to make a small Buy Me a Coffee donation to support my blog, I'll send you the password to access all my protected posts ...

An Irresistible Invitation to an Unschooling Voyage of Discovery

An Irresistible Invitation to an Unschooling Voyage of Discovery
Isn’t it wonderful to receive an invitation? Someone has chosen us! There are all kinds of invitations, from coffee dates to weddings. I love hearing, “Mum, would you like to meet up for lunch with me?” Sometimes, we eagerly accept an invitation: “Lunch sounds good! ...

Unschoolers Taking Over the World

Unschoolers Taking Over the World
A sign at our local nursery recommends purchasing native plants like wattles, bottlebrushes, waratahs, and hakeas for our gardens because we live so close to the Australian bush. Everyone in our village seems to have ignored this advice. Each front garden on our road has ...

Irreplaceable Unschool Dogs and Kids

Irreplaceable Unschool Dogs and Kids
People often have favourite breeds of dogs, don’t they? Maybe they love greyhounds like a couple living in a nearby town who dress their trio of thin dogs in bright-striped pyjamas to keep them warm on below-zero days. Or they might be dachshund people like ...

How to Write a Million Unschool Love Stories

How to Write a Million Unschool Love Stories
I used to think the defining word of unschooling was freedom. Freedom attracted me. I wanted to be free to do whatever I liked. I wanted to get up each day and do anything or nothing at all. But I soon realised there’s a problem ...

Reflecting Badly On Our Family

Reflecting Badly On Our Family
Andy and I take Nora and Quinn to the vet for their annual checkups. We wonder if our dogs are the correct weight for their size. Are their coats clean and shiny? Do they look happy and well cared for? The vet says our pets ...

What Snakes Can Teach Us About Unschooling

What Snakes Can Teach Us About Unschooling
Strolling through the bush on a spring afternoon, sunscreen on my bare arms, a dog on a leash, I round a bend in a track and almost trip over a writhing venomous brown snake. With my heart beating fast, I jump, tighten my hold on ...

When Our Kids Are Wired Differently

When Our Kids Are Wired Differently
Amina lowers her voice. "I don't like to admit this, but one day I said, 'Harry, can't you do as I want for once? Can't you be nice to me just for one day?' Harry looked confused. Be nice to me? I don't think he ...

Christian Unschooling: Should We Encourage Our Kids to Seek Security?

Christian Unschooling: Should We Encourage Our Kids to Seek Security?
To read this post, enter the password below. Password: If you'd like to make a small Buy Me a Coffee donation to support my blog, I'll send you the password to access all my protected posts ...

When an Unschooler Feels Like Taking a Course

When an Unschooler Feels Like Taking a Course
Do you ever feel like taking a course, reading a textbook, or following someone else’s instructions to learn something? Do you want someone to say, “Follow my plan, and when you get to the end, you’ll know how to bake bread, fix a car, understand ...

When Mothering Is Not Enough

When Mothering Is Not Enough
I got together with a few friends, and while we were sitting around the table sipping tea, our conversation turned towards kids, screens, and the Internet, a popular topic. Someone told us about a doctor who advocated having no technology in the family home because ...

Reaching the Finish Line: Achieving Our Dreams

Reaching the Finish Line: Achieving Our Dreams
I spend months updating my first children’s novel, The Angels of Abbey Creek. I revise the words, check the punctuation and grammar, add a new image to each chapter, and create a fresh eye-catching cover. Eventually, I reach the finish line: I have a file ...

Encouraging Kids to Say Thank You

Encouraging Kids to Say Thank You
The other day, someone asked, “When you had younger children, how did you encourage them to say thank you?” My first response was, “I can’t remember.” It’s strange: we realise our kids learnt the necessary social skills, but looking back, we can’t work out how ...

Christian Unschooling: Do Kids Need Silence and Space to Hear God?

Christian Unschooling: Do Kids Need Silence and Space to Hear God?
To read this post, enter the password below. Password: If you'd like to make a small Buy Me a Coffee donation to support my blog, I'll send you the password to access all my protected posts ...

Does Christian Unschooling Interest You?

Does Christian Unschooling Interest You?
I’ve written three unschooling books. I focused on the educational side of unschooling in Curious Unschoolers. I extended the unschooling story in Radical Unschool Love by sharing parenting thoughts and stories. And I offered practical suggestions for turning all those interesting unschooling ideas into something ...

Choosing an Exceptional Unschool Life and Other Things

Choosing an Exceptional Unschool Life and Other Things
Sometimes, we wake up in the morning and want to know exactly how we’ll spend the day. We’d like someone to say, “This is what you need to do today,” and lay out a plan for us. Perhaps we’re too tired, distracted or unsure about ...

Is It Wrong to Love Without Limits?

Is It Wrong to Love Without Limits?
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How to Parent So We’ll Have No Regrets

How to Parent So We’ll Have No Regrets
When I look at family photos from a few years ago, I remember those chaotic and messy days when I was at the centre of my children’s lives. I felt like those days would last forever. Sometimes, that was good: I wanted to stay firmly ...

The Problem of Introverted Kids and Blogging Mothers

The Problem of Introverted Kids and Blogging Mothers
To read this post, enter the password below. Password: If you'd like to make a small Buy Me a Coffee donation to support my blog, I'll send you the password to access all my protected posts ...

Would You Like the Key to the Secret Unschooling Garden?

Would You Like the Key to the Secret Unschooling Garden?
The other day, I stumbled across a 'hilarious' radical unschooling collection on someone’s blog, and there was the graphic for my post When Rules for Teenagers Aren't Necessary. People online were laughing at me. Now, I'm not surprised when others think my ideas and opinions ...

What if Adding Joy to Your Days Was Simple and Inexpensive?

What if Adding Joy to Your Days Was Simple and Inexpensive?
When I ask my husband, Andy, what he wants to do to celebrate his birthday, he replies, "Let's go on a picnic." It's winter. An icy wind has been blowing for days. It's not ideal picnic weather, but does that matter? No. We'll be brave ...

The Art of Conversation and Lifelong Learning

The Art of Conversation and Lifelong Learning
Everyone has a story to share. Everyone is interesting. Unschoolers and hosts of the Self Directed podcast, Jesper and Cecilie Conrad, roam the world seeing spectacular sights, but the real heart of their travels is the people they meet. As Cecilie says, "People are the ...

Is Trying to Impress Others a Waste of Time?

Is Trying to Impress Others a Waste of Time?
Strolling between the gum trees on a winter's morning with Nora and Quinn, my fingers painful with the cold, I meet Matilda. I smile and stop. So do my dogs. They thrust their grinning heads into the undergrowth, happy to sniff up all the smells ...

Stories of Awful Hair Styles and Inspector Morse

Stories of Awful Hair Styles and Inspector Morse
I've been watching Inspector Morse, an old TV series, starring John Thaw. My dad was a great Morse fan. I contributed to his Morse DVD collection, buying him a new series for some of his birthdays. I knew my dad enjoyed this crime series but ...

When We Don’t Know What to Do

When We Don’t Know What to Do
I've just updated my blog. I started at the first post I ever wrote and then worked my way through 14 years of stories, reading each one before deciding whether to keep it or revert it to draft. I then checked the formatting of the ...

Intuition and Independence: Unschooling Tips and Practical Advice

Intuition and Independence: Unschooling Tips and Practical Advice
What do we do if a child refuses to brush her teeth? What if our kids choose not to wash their hair or shower their bodies? Personal hygiene is important, isn’t it? Without self care, our kids might develop cavities. They could end up not ...

Unconditional Love: the Glue that Sticks Us Together

Unconditional Love: the Glue that Sticks Us Together
To read this post, enter the password below. Password: If you'd like to make a small Buy Me a Coffee donation to support my blog, I'll send you the password to access all my protected posts ...

A Birthday Chat

A Birthday Chat
Every time I celebrate a birthday, going up a number, I ponder ageing anew. How do I feel about getting older? Am I reluctant to admit my age? Or am I grateful to be who I am at the age I've reached? I once saw ...
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